截止目前为止,群里一共有78个人,一共有61人是software engineer或data scientist(除去HR和一些MBA,marketing的)。几乎所有的人都有知名大tech公司的暑期实习(Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Cisco, Zynga等),其中60%以上是Linkedin的intern转成full-time。所有的人中,70%以上的人来自以下的学校: UC Berkeley...
12. What scares you?–Business analyst interview, September 2014 Source 13. How many ways can you think of to find a needle in a haystack?–Business associate, May 2014 Source 14. Estimate the number of tennis balls that can fit into a plane.–Intern, December 2015 ...
具体问题要分职位,我不可能全了解,上glassdoor搜索相应职位的interview review会准确很多。另外,interview时可能会问一些brain teaser。 当全部的interview都完成后,recruiter会联系你并问你要更多的信息,如推荐信,学习成绩单,以及你做过的经历的证明或补充。每个interview过你的人都会写出他们对你的feedback,以及打给你...
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时间发生在去年在找intern的时候,某天晚上无意搜索到了 python list comprehension 这个关键词,然后 Google 的搜索页面突然抽风,黑屏...最后有一个动画过渡到了这个界面。。 当时完全不知道发生了什么,一直在 I want to play 和 No thanks 这两个选项中犹豫,不过最后还是点了 I want to play。 随后网页跳转到...
Interview insights Insights from 34 Indeed users who have interviewed with Google within the last 5 years. Favourable experience Interview is difficult Process takes about a month Explore interviews Working at Google 4.0 Intern4.0 out of 5 stars. 3.5 Security Officer3.5 out of 5 stars. 4.0 Progr...
Answer by Elynn Lee, former software engineer intern at Facebook, Amazon and Google. Computer Science major at the University of Texas in Austin Congrats on getting the internship! While I’m still in the conversion process, hopefully I can give some insight into what I’ve seen from interns...
create opportunities for everyone. Bring your insight, imagination, and a healthy disregard for the impossible. Together, we can build for everyone. The internships below are not exhaustive, and may or may not be currently available, but provide a taste of the various internships Google offers....
I may have mentioned this once or twice already, your software engineering skills will improve a lot! It’s incredible the amount you can achieve and learn in a 3-4 month internship at Google. In order to prepare for coding interviews, I recommend the Cracking the Coding Interview book (th...
business intern 岗有 8 道 Analytical Reasong(Problem Solving)+7 道 General Cognitive Ability,30 分钟完成. Analytical Reasong(Problem Solving):有图形推理,也有类似 GMAT Problem Solving,Data Sufficiency 的题 General Cognitive Ability:也和 GMAT 数学,Critical Reasoning 以及 Integrated Reasoning 类似,文本...