Haier 4K Smart Google TV 189cm(75) With Hands Free Voice Control 75P7GT latest price, specifications, reviews,images & features in India.
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55/65/75/85 Inch 4K Smart Google TV UHD QLED wifi television TV Specification Product Name: 55-95inch smart LED/LCD/OLED/QLEDTV Available Size: 55/ 65/75/85/95 inchs Warranty(Year): 1-Year Color: black Series: home/office/hotel Screen Type: ULED/OLED/QLED Various screen technologies ...
Google Smart TV Kit: Google Home Mini and Chromecast, Walmart Exclusive 4.4 stars out of 154 reviews (4.4)|154 ratings About this item Stream from your phone to TV. Just like that. Plug Chromecast into the HDMI port on your TV and to power and stream your favorite entertainment ri...
1 TV,Warranty Card, AC, Adapter, AC Power Cord, Remote Control, User Manual - 1 unit Each, Batteries - 2 Units Model Name K-43S20B Display Size 108 cm (43 inch) Screen Type LED HD Technology & Resolution Ultra HD (4K), 3840 x 2160 Series Bravia 2 ...
当您没有观看任何内容时,Chromecast 和 Google TV 上的环境模式可充当屏幕保护程序。与Smart Displays一样,您可以从 Google 中选择照片或策展艺术的幻灯片。先进行选择,然后选择“下一步”。 Google Home 应用中的设置过程已完成。点击“完成”按钮,然后使用遥控器在电视上完成 Chromecast 的设置。
Google launches smart TV serviceNews
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