Glasses Type:3D Glasses;Product name:Virtual Reality 3D Glasses;Logo:OEM Customized logo printing;Size:145*92*60mm;Diameter of lens::34mm/37mm;MOQ:500pcs;Focus:45mm;Compatibility:Most Smart Phones (Includes, ISO and Android Smart phones, etc.);Feature:G
A company called Perpetua Power is working on technology that uses body heat to produce electricity; in theory, your smart glasses could extend their battery life with tiny thermoelectric generators on places that touch your skin, such as the bridge or temple. For now, though, Perpetua’s ...
INTEL MADE SMART GLASSES THAT LOOK NORMAL (本文由 雷锋网 授权转载;图片来源:影片截图) 延伸阅读: 英特尔传分拆 AR 部门,拼智慧眼镜年内上市 ▼ 特别声明本页内容仅供参考,版权终归原著者所有,若有侵权,请联系我们删除。 AIGoogleIntel英特尔 ascasc普通 ...
现在,这个名为 Open Smart Glass 的项目逼近发布尾声。在电话中,他说,“其实我还有很多关于硬件的设想,只不过这是完成度最高的那一个。目前,项目进度达 97%,剩下 3% 只是一些小瑕疵,预计两周之后便可发布。”他还表示,Open Smart Glasses 的成本,只是 Google Glass 的十分之一。 换言之,Open Smart Glass ...
出现就吸引了全球的目光,但现在这款未来眼镜也遇到了强劲的对手:Android可穿戴设备开发商Vuzix在2013年初也将发布一款类似Google Glass的“眼镜”——Smart Glasses M100。 Smart Glasses M100像一个超大号的蓝牙耳机,使用1GHz OMAP4430处理器,1GB内存,4GB存储空间,以及Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich系统。它可以挂在耳...
Google Glass, which referred to wearable smart glasses, was considered a moonshot technology for the company. The product received considerable criticism, with concerns about its price, safety, and privacy. Google Glass was marketed as a luxury item with a high price, and the company aimed to ...
现在有一件事情已经得到了Google的证实,那就是Google Glass将支持自选镜框与镜片,这对于近视眼的用户来说无疑是个好消息。这意味着Google Glass是一种模块化设计,可以被安装到一个普通样式的眼镜上,其实现的效果如上图所示。图中的这个人是Google Glass开发团队的成员Greg Priest-Dorman。当然目前开发者获得的Explorer...
The article reports on the blocking of sales on Google Glass, eyewear. It states that the technology company had suspended the sales of the Google glass due to the problems encountered by the product in its test period...
What devices like Apple, Google smartwatches are beginning to display about our health Key Points The global market for wearable health and fitness devices — including sensor-laden watches, wrist bands, rings, skin patches, eyeglasses and clothing — reached more than $36 billion in 2020 and ...
A patent application from Samsung has been published by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office which reveals that the company has invented smartglasses that are capable of doing much more than what Google Glass was ever capable of. Google Glass was Google's failed smartglasses project tha...