Gmail 是一款直观、高效、实用的电子邮件应用。免费提供15GB存储空间,垃圾邮件更少,而且支持移动访问。 一个帐户,畅享 Google所有服务! 登录即可继续使用 Gmail
Social:messages from social networks, media-sharing sites, online dating services, and other social websites Promotions:deals, offers, and other marketing emails Updates:personal, auto-generated updates including confirmations, bills, receipts, bills, and statements Forums:messages from online groups, di...
Containers isolate data websites store (cookies, storage, and more) from each other, enhancing your privacy and security while you browse. Redirect AMP to HTML This web extension enables users to choose to opt-out of using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and choose to use the standard web ...
Advertising on social media sites is like crashing a party. Hardly an effective method for promoting your product. But imagine having the opportunity to share your thoughts on a strategically placed social media post that’s placed outside the social media platform. Clearly, Google imagined just t...
Unlike Dynamic sites where platforms or interfaces such as Python, Ruby, and PHP. The pages on such sites are individually created and stored. To track a static website, you will need to copy and paste the code into every page on the site. Do not edit the code, paste it as you have...
Web Page: Mailing List: About New Visions for Public Schools Founded in 1989,New Visions for Public Schoolsis dedicated to improving the quality of education children receive in New York City’s public schools...
Locate the position of CRAN mirror sites on a map using Google Maps August 5, 2009 | Paolo Inspired by this post (suggested here by the always useful Revolutions blog), I attempted to plot the position of CRAN mirrors on a map taking advantage of the nice R package RgoogleMaps (check...
You can select this option if you want to place display ads across Google’s network of own and affiliate websites. From your Google Ads account, click on the + option to create a campaign. Select your remarketing goals from the list of options available. Select the campaign type. In this...
isn't the most efficient data transfer protocol around. So, back in November 2009,Google started working on a faster replacement: SPDY, pronounced "speedy." And, now, if you're using theChrome Web browser, and visiting Google Web sites, you can see SPDY in action according to Conceivably ...
Keywords: mailing, mailinglist, marketing, emarketing Tellmatic - the newsletter machine :: Quality Open Source Newsletter for your Business - free GPL OpenSource PHP / Mysql Newsletter Script Tellmatic - Die Newsletter-Maschine, the newsletter maschine, Quality Open Source Newsletter...