首先,准备一个美区appstore账号,下载google shopping app。网页不行,只能用app买。 然后,选best buy的卖家加入购物车 Checkout时输入Promo code:19DECSAVE (这个促销码明显是根据月份改变的,到一月的话按格式改改就行) 付款是google pay添加信用卡,我用的招行visa全币种,一次通过。注意添加卡片是一个是账单地址可...
We received a notification saying that a violation of Google Shopping advertising policies was found, we immediately checked and modified the website. The content is below: (1) We have provided our email and address, our customers can find us quickly without the website footer. (2)The Return...
如果使用Google shopping feed上传就相对简单些,打开 shopify 后台,点击 APP 中的 google shopping feed 点击setting,选择第一个“sync setting from shopify”,然后按照页面中的指示完成 feed的设置,并点击保存与同步,2 个小时后可在 GMC 账户中查看上传的 feed,Feed 同步成功后,谷歌官方将对提交的 feed进行审核,...
With the help of Google Play Redeem Codes, you can get special offers and discounts on Google Play Shopping. In this article, we have brought you the Google Play Gift Card, how to redeem, and the complete list of the Latest New Redeem Codes. Google Play can find a vast number of Apps...
Google 我的地圖是一款基於網路的地圖工具,可讓您透過標記特定位置、新增文字、圖像和影片以及與他人分享來建立自訂地圖。您可以將其用於個人或專業目的,例如規劃旅行、組織專案或展示興趣點。如何存取 Google 我的地圖? 要存取 Google 我的地圖,您只需造訪 Google 地圖網站並使用您的 Google 帳戶登入即可。登入後,...
Google Shopping is an advertising platform that allows businesses to reach people searching for similar products in its search engine. Users can useGoogle Shoppingto browse items from several different online retailers and view an item’s price, availability, and fulfillment options. When they click ...
Home>Glossary> 谷歌是什麼? Learn More 谷歌是什麼? 想像一下,您所需的所有信息都觸手可及。這就是谷歌必須提供的。Google 是一個功能強大的搜索引擎,可用於查找您需要的幾乎任何內容。它可以讓您快速輕鬆地查找信息、圖像、視頻、文章、產品等。只需按幾下按鍵或點擊,您就可以在幾秒鐘內找到您要查找的內容。
[ "Editors' Choice" ], "cat_int": 18, "cat_key": "SHOPPING", "cat_keys": [ "SHOPPING", "APPLICATION" ], "cat_type": 0, "category": "Shopping", "contains_ads": false, "content_descriptors": [ "Diverse Content: Discretion Advised" ], "content_rating": "Teen", "description"...
For example, say you have an app that offers shopping discounts for stores in France and Belgium. Each country has stores with different types of discounts, but the problem is that if users in Belgium have the French language set as the primary one on their Android device, they will see ...
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