我推荐选择目标国家的时区;Feed URL 区域填写Google Shopping Feed的路径”http://www.example.com/googleshopping-us.xml“,一定要填写正确,否者无法正确抓取数据;如果你的Feed URL设置有密码保护,请输入用户名和密码即可。
可以添加多个Feed文件,把网站的产品分类在不同的文件里提交也可行。 最后,还会提示你绑定一个Adwords帐号,Google Shopping被大力推广的原因是Google要靠这个产品盈利的,也就是相当于另外一种广告,付费的结果是排在最前面的。建议大家都可以绑定Adwords帐号来投放这个广告,因为这里竞争比较小。 比如搜索“cheap dress”,...
该应用程序创建一个Google购物XML feed。它支持多语言、多货币、区域库存feed、本地库存广告feed、平台feed等。这对于全球运营的商店非常有用。 注意:我们只提供Google相关问题的支持(不支持Bing、Facebook等)。...
In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about getting your products on the Google Shopping feed, and how to improve your chances of getting sales through this channel. What is the Google Shopping Feed? As you can see from the image in the introduction, theGoogle Shopping...
2. Create a data feed with detailed information about your products using the Google Merchant Products plugin. 3. Upload the feed to the Merchant Center and make sure that it has successfully passed the moderation. Suitable for Google Merchant programs: Advertise your products through Sho...
Your Google Shopping feed is like a folder that comprises all the relevant information around the different categories of products present in your store.
Add Magento 2 Product Feed to promote your products cost-effectively and grow revenue thanks to extra sales channels. Create an unlimited number of custom feeds without technical skills, using our Magento Google shopping feed. Easily generate product feeds with ready-to-use templates Use Wizard ...
Feed:The shopping ad link can have two different types of feeds. You can make use of text or XML feeds. When you rely on XML fields, the URL should be encapsulated between the link tags. Of course, this denotes that the only ...
The plugin allows you to generate a Google Shopping Feed file in numerous formats (XML, CSV, and TSV), which you can then use to connect it to your WooCommerce site. Using cron jobs, you can schedule how often the file will be updated with your new products. You can also save time ...