regexreplace(B2:B,"(te)$|e$|(st)$|(en)$|t$","")),regexreplace(B2:B,"(te)$|e$|(st)$|(en)$|t$",""))) 词干的单词进行判定:如果有两个或以上的单词,如gemacht, machen, macht发现有同样的词干”mach“,则将这些单词全部化成同一个单词进行统计。 test文章里的各种machen变位最终都视为...
zapier,google-sheets,hidden,admin-label 332October 2, 2024 Help needed for end-to-end automation for paid personality test Get Help gravity-wiz,google-sheets,gravitykit,personality-test 213September 8, 2024 Registration Form with Multiple Entries and Products ...
Tukeytest, also known as Tukey’s Honest Significant Test (HSD) test, is a post-hoc statistical test used to determine whether the means of two sets of data are statistically different from each other. This test is based on the studentized range distribution and is performed after an ANOVA ...
By minifying the CSS style sheets, you will compress the code, improving your web page’s performance. WordPress users can use the Speed Optimizer plugin to minify CSS with a single click. Log into your dashboard and navigate to Speed Optimizer > Frontend > CSS. Turn on the option Minify...
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clasp create --type sheets clasp create --type slides clasp create --type forms clasp create --type webapp clasp create --type api clasp create --title "My Script" clasp create --rootDir ./dist clasp create --parentId "1D_Gxyv***NXO7o" These options can be combined like so:...
If you've made it this far, you're probably already an accredited Sheets wizard and don't need any more of my advice. But just in case, here are some best practices for working with functions like IMPORTXML. Use the Inspect feature: Use Inspect Element in your web browser to view th...
GoogleSheetsLinkedService public GoogleSheetsLinkedService() Creates an instance of GoogleSheetsLinkedService class.Method Details apiToken public SecretBase apiToken() Get the apiToken property: The api token for the GoogleSheets source. Returns: the apiToken value....
For example, navigate to Excel's Data tab, and you'll see advanced statistical tests such as t-Tests, z-Tests, and ANOVAs built into the platform. Meanwhile, to perform an ANOVA test in Google Sheets, you first need to download the XLMiner Analysis Toolpak—it's no wonder my stats ...
Google Sheets Script根据列单元格中的值锁定或解锁行 我使用一个脚本,如果在“BG”列中输入“X”,则可以锁定一行。 我想,如果我把一个“0”,然后保护被删除。 还添加了一个函数,以便在我更改“BG”单元格中的值时脚本自动运行。 My Script: function Lock_Cells() {...