Job Description: We are seeking an experienced and detail-oriented UI/UX designer to create complete wireframes for ReferrAll, a referral networking platform designed to streamline hiring through referrals. This project requires designing wireframes for both the mobile app and website, focusing on seam...
For now this job is for a simple Google Sheets Habit Tracker Spreadsheet with a Smart Calendar. I will send you a brief of the project but it is a very simple tracker so I'm hoping this will attract the right person who works with google sheets and has a flair for pretty design too...
Beginner to advanced tutorials covering Google Sheets, Apps Script, data analysis, automation and APIs. Learn new skills today!
Customers who say using Zapier has made them better at their job 25m Customers have created over 25 million Zaps on the platform 6 mins The average user takes less than 6 minutes to set up a Zap Make work flow with AI Level up your Tracker to Google Sheets integration with AI. Extract,...
Build a project tracker, requests tracker or other CMS using Sheets connected to Google Forms. Reorganize and reformat user submitted data sent to Sheets. You can embed both the form and the resulting CMS sheet into a private Google Site. Use cases include survey results, job applications or ...
Google Sheets Google Tasks GoQR (Independent Publisher) GoToMeeting GoToTraining GoToWebinar Govee (Independent Publisher) Gratavid Gravity Forms by reenhanced Gravity Forms Professional GroupMgr GSA Per Diem (Independent Publisher) GSA Site Scanning (Independent Publisher) Harness PDFx Harvest Hash Generator...
Kevin MuyumbaSmall Business Finance Manager Excel Template "I have purchased the Recruitment Tracker Dashboard. This is very amazing and really helped me in dealing with recruitment issues starting from monitoring till providing reports to superiors. I highly recommend using this awesome template." ...
The advantages of Google Forms job applications How to create a Google Forms job application What you need to know about Google Forms job applications Jotform: A powerful Google Forms job application alternative Share CommentEmail Comment Be the first to comment. ...
A schedule maker is an app for building a weekly template for how you intend to spend your time. Here’s how it stops you from getting sidetracked: with a weekly template in hand, you’ll always know the difference between traction and distraction. If you find yourself doing what you plan...
Google Sheets Google Tasks GoQR (Independent Publisher) GoToMeeting GoToTraining GoToWebinar Govee (Independent Publisher) Gratavid Gravity Forms by reenhanced Gravity Forms Professional GroupMgr GSA Per Diem (Independent Publisher) GSA Site Scanning (Independent Publisher) Harness PDFx Harvest Hash Generator...