网络连接问题:IMPORTHTML需要通过网络连接到指定的URL来获取数据。如果网络连接不稳定或URL无法访问,IMPORTHTML将无法获取内容。 网页结构问题:IMPORTHTML依赖于网页的结构来提取数据。如果网页的结构发生变化,例如表格或列表的位置或标签发生改变,IMPORTHTML可能无法正确提取数据。 网页内容动态加载:有些网页使用JavaScript或AJ...
Google Sheet导入表格中的数据(ImportXML和ImportHTML不起作用) Google Sheets IMPORTHTML“无法获取数据” Google Sheet - IMPORTHTML - url内容处的错误资源超过最大大小 Google sheet函数转换成Google脚本函数 IF函数的Google Sheet条件公式 Google Sheet函数可相应地拆分数据 ...
=index(importhtml("url","table",1),1,2) =index(importhtml("url","table",1),2,4) 可以考虑直接取下整个表格 =importhtml("url","table",1) 毕竟import函数有限时,而整个取下来再怎么处理都没限制。 D. 不要在一个公式里写多个import函数,比如 =if(importxml("url","xpath")<>"",importxml(...
google-sheets google-apps-script import google-drive-api 1个回答 0投票 使用Google Apps 脚本拉取本地存储的 HTML 文件是不可能的。 以上是因为Google Apps Script无法访问用户本地环境;但是,您可以将 HTML 文件存储在 Google 云端硬盘中并从那里读取,而不是在本地保存 HTML 文件。 但是,由于配额和其他...
i would suggest you try another import function. like XML-based. although I don't know if that would do anything because the data is not in XML format, nor does it have XML tags inside of it. image 1: your HTML page's code image 2: error trying one set of arguments image ...
What is the IMPORTXML Function in Google Sheets? The IMPORTXML function is a tool in Google Sheets that lets you import structured web data directly into your spreadsheet. The function is =IMPORTXML(url, "xpath"). All you really need to know is where the data you're looking for is ...
IMPORTHTML: Imports data from a table or list within an HTML page. IMPORTFEED: Imports a RSS or ATOM feed. IMPORTDATA: Imports data at a given url in .csv (comma-separated value) or .tsv (tab-separated value) format. Learn how to optimize your data reference....
Then, type in an HTML import formula such as the one shown below:=IMPORTHTML("", "table",0)As soon as you press ENTER, Google Sheets will try to load the data into the sheet.Once...