[sum_range]: (Optional) The actual cells to sum if the corresponding cells in the range meet the criteria. If omitted, the cells in the range are summed. 2. SUMIFS Function: The SUMIFS function is an extension of SUMIF and allows you to sum values based on multiple criteria. You can ...
Or click the cell, enter=SUM(and select the cells. Close with) Function This article explains how to use the SUM function in Google Sheets using the Functions menu, inputting it manually, and with theFunctionicon. The screenshots are from the Google Sheets app for iOS, but instructions are...
Q1: How do I use Sumif in Google Sheets with multiple conditions? To use SUMIF in Google Sheets with multiple conditions, you can use the SUMIFS function. Instead of using a single condition, you can provide multiple ranges and corresponding criteria to specify multiple conditions for summing ...
The termsformulaandfunctionare used interchangeably but are not the same. A formula is an expression that calculates the value of a cell.A function in Google Sheetsis a predefined formula that makes complex calculations. Lifewire / Maddy Price Multiply Numbers in Google Sheets The best way to se...
Merge Multiple Cells in Google SheetsMerging cells work almost similarly to Excel. Use the same example as in Excel.▸ First select cells B2 and C2, and in the Toolbar click the Merge cells icon.The result is the same as in Excel. Cells B2 and C2 are merged into one cell, keeping ...
See how to use SUMIF in Google Sheets to conditionally sum cells. Formula examples to sum if greater than, less than, equal to, or not equal to, empty or not empty. Learn a case-sensitive SUMIF formula and how to sum with multiple criteria.
Calculate colored cells in 13 different ways Count, sum, find the average, min or max number, etc. – all based on cell colors. How to count cells by color in Google Sheets Check one text color to count similar cells Check all fill colors & sum all related cells Find the minimum value...
If you regularly use Google Sheets and ever need to sum values together based on some condition in specific cells, then you’ll need to know how to use the SUMIF function in Google Sheets. The ability to sum data with this function isn’t limited to just two values. You can sum an ...
The SUMIF function in Google Sheets is used to sum across a range of cells based on a conditional test. The SUMIF function only adds values to the total when the condition is met. Let’s see an example. Suppose we want to calculate the total order value for John only: ...
You can do this for multiple rows and columns. All you need to do is highlight all of the cells you want to add, then input the function. Or, type =SUM(Columns+Rows : Columns+Rows). How to Divide in Google Sheets? There are two options to divide numbers in Google Sheets. You can...