熱門特色:尋找、突出顯示或識別重複項|刪除空白行|合併列或儲存格而不遺失數據|沒有公式的回合... 超級查詢:多條件VLookup|多值VLookup|跨多個工作表的 VLookup|模糊查詢... 高級下拉列表:快速建立下拉列表|依賴下拉列表|多選下拉列表... 欄目經理:新增特定數量的列|移動列|切換隱藏列的可見性狀態|比較範圍和列....
1。 輸入以下公式:=IFERROR(vlookup(A2,IMPORTRANGE("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Plv5B3v3VfPtdWSJ4zFM6DKPY0MhcCxiYS0vYrxORHE/edit#gid=543140280","my data!A2:B12"),2,false),)放入要在其中查找匹配值的空白單元格。 備註:在以上公式中: A2是要查找其匹配值的單元格; https://docs....
VLOOKUP FunctionThe VLOOKUP function is a premade function in Google Sheets, which allows searches across columns.It is typed =VLOOKUP and has the following parts:=VLOOKUP(search_key, range, index, [is_sorted])Note: The column which holds the data used to lookup must always be to the left...
To use VLOOKUP in Google Sheets from another sheet, you need to specify the sheet name along with the range in the formula. Let’s consider that same example, but this time, we will find the price for the Chicken in the Sheet 2. Let's say the table is on "Sheet1" in your Google...
=VLOOKUP(search_key,SheetName!range, index, [is_sorted]) Basically, directly before the range, you add the worksheet name that contains the data you want to pull from followed by an exclamation mark (!). How to use VLOOKUP in Google Sheets Now I'll show you what VLOOKUP looks like in...
How to Use vlookup in Google Sheets Open a new or existing Google Sheet. Enter the data you want to search for in one column of the sheet. For example, you might have a list of product names in column A. Enter the corresponding data you want to retrieve in another column of the shee...
How to Freeze a Cell in Importrange in Google Sheets (Lock a Cell Reference) Dynamic Sheet Names in Importrange in Google Sheets How to Vlookup Importrange in Google Sheets [Formula Examples] How to Use Query with Importrange in Google Sheets ...
Another flexible alternative to the VLOOKUP is an INDIRECT-ADDRESS-MATCH formula. Let’s apply it to the dynamic column reference scenario: =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(F3,B1:B7,0),MATCH(G3,A2:D2,0))) Let’s walk through the formula:
VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP: These functions are invaluable for cross-referencing data across different sheets. For instance, use VLOOKUP to find a client’s contact information from a client database sheet using their ID from a sales sheet. Conditional Formatting: This feature automatically formats cells ...
Supposing, you have following two google sheet files, now, you need to vlookup the matching value in one file from another one, do you have any good solutions to finish it? Vlookup matching value from another google sheet with formulaVlookup...