=IF(LOWER(A1)=LOWER(B1), "相同", "不同") 这个公式会将 A1 和 B1 中的文本转换为小写,然后进行比较,输出结果为 "相同"。 参考链接 Google Sheets 官方文档 Google Sheets 公式和函数 通过以上方法,可以有效解决 Google Sheet 中将两个不同的值视为相同的值的问题。
=UNIQUE({列1,列2,列3...}) 其中,列1、列2、列3表示你想要获取唯一值的列的范围。用大括号{}将多个列组合起来,中间用逗号分隔。 按下Enter键,函数将计算并返回多个列的唯一值。 Google Sheets的排序和筛选功能使得对数据进行排序和获取多个列的唯一值变得非常简便。它适用于各种情况,比如整理数据、筛选重复...
A1单元格中的备选ARRAYFORMULA: =arrayformula({"Patient Unique ID #";if(B2:B<>"","PID"&row(A2:A)-1,"")}) "Patient Unique ID #"将标题(Patient Unique ID#)放入单元格A1,然后;返回该行。 如果B不是空的,则根据"PID"生成唯一的ID,并根据ROW()减去1生成唯一的数字。如果B是空的,那么""。...
If you don't already have a Google Account, you'll need one to access Google Sheets. To create a Google Account, visit the Google Account creation page, enter your first and last name, choose a unique username (which will be your Gmail address), create a strong password, and follow any...
Worksheet table True string Pick a worksheet. Row id id True string Unique identifier of the row to retrieve. Returns The outputs of this operation are dynamic. Get rowsOperation ID: GetItems This operation retrieves the records from a specific Google Sheet. Parameters Expand table NameKeyRequi...
In the Create pivot table panel that appears, choose if you want to insert your pivot table into a new sheet or an existing sheet. Then click Create. In the Pivot table editor panel, next to Rows and Columns, click Add for each one. This lets you select the data you want to analyz...
If used properly, this template can transform you into a productivity pro. But also remember that no spreadsheet can replace listening to your body and honoring your own humanity. Take a walk sometimes. Call your mom. Scream into a pillow. Your time-blocking sheet will be there when you get...
Create a CSV sheet with all users' email addresses. Use the gcloud command line tool to convert them into Google Cloud Platform accounts. In the G Suite console, add the users to a special group called cloud-console-users@yourdomain.com. Rely on the default behavior of the C...
The Drive ID of a parent file that the created script project is bound to. This is usually the ID of a Google Doc, Google Sheet, Google Form, or Google Slides file. If not set, a standalone script project is created. i.e.https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/{id}/edit ...
Overwrites the destination files if set to 'true' Returns response array of BlobMetadata Get file content using idOperation ID: GetFileContent Retrieves file content from Google Drive using id Parameters Expand table NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription File id id True string Unique identifier of th...