Google Sheet提供了一种保护机制,可以限制用户对特定区域(称为Range)的编辑权限。要查看Google Sheet/Ranges的保护状态,可以按照以下步骤操作: 打开Google Sheet并选择所需的工作表。 在菜单栏中,选择“数据”(Data)选项。 从下拉菜单中选择“受保护的范围和编辑者”(Protected sheets and ranges)。 弹出的侧边栏将...
However, be sure to select the box that says, "Restrict who can edit this range," and choose whether or not you want editors to be able to give suggestions for adjustments. Once you're finished, save your work and close the Permissions dialog box to lock your sheet. It's important to...
解析API响应,获取所需的protectedRangeId。在响应中,protectedRangeId是受保护范围的唯一标识符。 以下是一个示例代码(使用Python和google-api-python-client库): 代码语言:txt 复制 import os import json from google.oauth2 import service_account from googleapiclient.discovery import build # 导入服务账号...
After clicking “Protect range” from the dropdown menu or “Protect sheets and ranges” from the Data tab, you will notice the open side panel on the right of your screen. Click on “Add a sheet or range.” 5. Choose which cells to lock. Next, decide which ...
}else if(col == 59 && row >= 5 && value == "O"){ //check if the edited cell is BG and row is equal or greater than 5 and value is O var protectedRange = sheet.getProtections(SpreadsheetApp.ProtectionType.RANGE); //get all protection with type range ...
Instead of keeping every single year you track on one sheet and scrolling horizontally, you can make each tab a different year containing 12 months only. Note that data from different sheets in the same workbook can be referenced for formulas. For example, if you have two sheets, Sheet1 ...
Additionally, consider using the ‘Protected Ranges’ feature to restrict editing in certain parts of your sheet, safeguarding sensitive data. Q3: Is it possible to automate tasks in Google Sheets? A3: Yes, Google Sheets offers various automation capabilities. One of the simplest ways is through ...
Or right-click any cell, and then click View more cell actions > Protect cell range. Click the protected sheet or cell range you want to edit. Click the Delete range or sheet protection icon, which looks like a garbage can. Automate Google Sheets There are countless ways to ...
Range {...} exceeds grid limits This error indicates that theselected sheetor a data range in that sheet isprotected. Remove the protection from the sheet or range to enable syncing your data. You can read more about this inGoogle's documentation. ...
A:B>drange.end_addr=None# make the range unbounded on both axes <Datarange Sheet1># Named'pricesRange'# will make this range a named rangerng=wks.get_named_ranges('commodityCount')# directly get a named''# will delete this named range#Protected rangesrng...