在Google Sheet中,多个IFS函数的公式解析错误可能是由以下原因引起的: 1. 语法错误:请确保使用正确的语法来编写多个IFS函数。多个IFS函数的语法是:IFS(条件1, 结果1, 条件...
Googlesheet XPath scraping:复制货币汇率 、、、 从这个网址https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=MYR&To=INR,我想把数据复制到我的谷歌工作表中。在单元格A2中我有=IMPORTXML(A1,"//span[@class='converterresult-toAmount']")有人能建议我怎么做吗? 浏览...
Google Workspace is available in South Africa, which you can pay in U.S. dollars, or you can deal with them with Euro currency. When we talk about U.S. dollars pricing options the charge for the basic plan will be $6, if you are looking for the business plan, you will be charged...
{ "id": string, "name": string, "active": boolean, "description": string, "currencyId": string, "kind": string, "maximumImageSize": string, "defaultCreativeSizeId": string, "activeAdsLimitTier": enum (ResourceQuotaServiceTier), "countryId": string, "reportsConfiguration": { object (Re...