使用Google 簡報應用程式建立、編輯或與他人共同協作簡報。你可以透過 Google 簡報執行以下操作: * 建立新簡報或編輯現有簡報 * 與他人共用簡報,以及同時協作同一份簡報 * 隨時隨地工作,即使離線也沒問題 * 新增及重新排列投影片、設定文字和圖形格式等等 * 直接從裝置
'drive-auth.json'; // <--- Your auth2 settings $auth_file = str_replace('\\', '/', $auth_file); $configPath = addTrailingSlash(getcwd()); $credentials_file = $configPath . 'credentials.json'; // <--- This will generated automatically $app_name = 'MY APP NAME'; ...
Then I deployed the library as a web application with these settings Execute asMe Who has accessAnyoneorAnyone with Google account again if I access the web as the owner it works but someone else gets an errorLibrary with identifier tmplib is missing (perhaps it was deleted, ...
Unlock the potential of Google Search Console for SEO: Comprehensive guidance on starting, understanding reports, and leveraging integrations.
Background sync是Google新推出的Web API,可延迟用户行为,直到用户网络连接稳定。这样有助于保证用户想...
To add a new user, navigate to “Settings” > “Users and permissions.” And click “ADDUSER.” Enter the new user’s email address and select the access type. Then, click “ADD.” The newly added user can now access your property in Search Console. ...
(2021-01-11 14:58:03.149528): loading settings from file [ ] W/my-company.my-proj( 4398): Accessing hidden method Lsun/misc/Unsafe;->getUnsafe()Lsun/misc/Unsafe; (greylist,core-platform-api, linking, allowed) [ ] W/my-company.my-proj( 4398): Accessing hidden method Lsun/misc/...
Google Play Store is a native (pre-installed) application. This can not be un-installed. If it goes missing on your apps page, check if it disabled or hidden. You can do this by OpeningSettings > Apps > Google Play Store If you are unable to download any apps from Google Play Store...
If anybody else had this error even after setting the URL Type on Info tab, GOOGLE_SIGNIN_URL_SCHEME on Build Settings tab and adding GoogleService-Info.plist to your project, here's a tip: when you add the plist file to your project, be sure to add to ALL freaking targets like the...