可以进入这个网址安装 Google Account Manage Google Service Framework Google Play services Google Play store 这些就是谷歌三套件,还有商店,可以全部重新下载看看,或者说只挑那个服务框架, 在里面搜索这些英文之后(是逐个搜索的),点击第一个图标,点进去,发现图标会更大,然后往下...
三.操作:1:失败:电脑网址下载google play services apk然后安装到手机 3.1 下载最新的:google play services apk download 我下载比较新的,安装到了华为平板,在运行有ARCore的app, 3.1 运行结果:华为平板使用ARCore会提示需要此服务,但是商城下载不到 HUAWEI ...
Google Services Framework (APK) 12, API 32 12 ❌ Although installation succeeds and apps become aware of it, it lacks a lot of permissions needed for most functions, e.g. read_device_config, which can't be given even with the Settings app. Google Translate 12...
File metadata and controls Code Blame 61 lines (55 loc) · 2.37 KB Raw <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package="" > <!-- [START gcm_permission] --> <uses-pe...
There are others who record FM radio for later listening, and most FM radio channels in third world countries haven't been added to online services yet, where a MicroSD comes handy to record from a feature phone and move files to the main smartphone, which I prefer to do as a Nokia 8...
gms:play-services:8.1.0' Add the permission to the manifest file. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/> Change activity_main.xml as below. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""...
\我按照以下步骤操作: 1.在上注册app 2.下载google-services.json (注册后)并将其放入myproj/android/app文件夹3.将apply plugin: ""放在myproj/android/app/build.gradle文件的末尾,并在同一文件中编辑包名。4.将classpath '
...4)使用apktool获取应用程序的resources文件。...在我的项目中有一个google-services.json文件,其中存储了所有Firebase设置。...为了与Donald Daters的Firebase数据库进行通信,我需要找到他们的Firebase设置(api密钥,数据库URL以及storage bucket)并将它们替换到我的google-services.json...现在,google-services.json...
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Google camera also requires Google Play Services to be active on your device. So, if you are someone who lives in a country where Google services are not available then you first have to install Google services on your device using certain services. However, you can use services like gcam ...