報表與優化不藏私,您的品牌獲利,是藍眼科技唯一的 KPI。我們具備 SEO 自然排名技術、Google 關鍵字廣告技術與證照、Facebook 廣告技術與證照等,能為您的企業品牌在網路上做有效益的廣告。 取得Google Ads 認證可有效強化 Google Ads 使用行銷技巧,在線上推廣業務。廣告成效受到產品、網站設計、素材設計、廣告格式、...
The “Google Ads – Measurement Certification” course is tailored for marketing professionals who wish to master the art of measuring and optimizing the performance of their Google Ads campaigns. This course provides a comprehensive overview of Google Ads measurement tools and analytics, teaching learne...
If you are trying to break into tech sector, or considering additional education to advance in your current workplace, Google Professional Certificates might be just the right training you need. Read on to determine how Google Certification can help you hit your goals quickly. ...
In 2023, Google completed the transition to the latest major version of its analytics platform,Google Analytics 4. For the occasion, Google launched new online courses, including a free certification program:Google Analytics Certification. The course includes a series of videos, readings, and assessme...
无论是在校外寻找您在该行业的第一份工作,还是利用认证获得 Google 合作伙伴称号,我都推荐学习和保持教育和标准证书的计划。 第三方还提供其他出色的培训和教育计划。 不过,Google Ads Certification在行业内仍然占有一席之地,是付费搜索从业者的普遍期望。
With a Google Analytics certification, you'll know how to use features likeAnnotationsto help anticipate trends in data. For example, if you're expecting spikes for a new product launch or the beginning of seasonal demand, add an annotation to that effect. Your SEO team can bear that date ...
This certification bundle includes nine courses on Google ads and SEO tools. Credit: pexels Deal pricing and availability subject to change after time of publication. TL;DR: Build your brand with the Ultimate Google Ads & SEO Certification Bundle for $49.99, a 97% savings as of Sept. 26....
今年,我们的话题将会一如既往的丰富,不仅包含Firebase and Flutter, Machine Learning, Road to Google Developers Certification, Google Maps Platform, Android, Web and Google Assistant或其它与 Google 相关的技术、设计、产品、管理,将有众多业界大咖与大家共同分...
总共10 小时更新日期 2022年3月 评分:4.3,满分 5 分4.3240 当前价格US$54.99 MEGA SEO Training: Beginner To Advanced SEO | Google SEO #1 总共11.5 小时更新日期 2024年11月 评分:4.2,满分 5 分4.24,267 当前价格US$69.99 Complete SEO Training 2022 | Rank in Google with SEO 2022 总共9.5 小时更新日...
11. Page Speed Insights – 帮助您诊断 Core Web Vitals 问题和其他 SEO 性能问题。 12. Google Looker Studio – 前身为 Google Data Studio,这是一个用于创建免费 SEO 仪表板的仪表板平台。 13. Google Keyword Planner – Google 的工具,可帮助您识别关键字的搜索量。