存储API 密钥、密码、证书和其他敏感数据,和GCP的IAM集成。按存储和访问次数双重计费。功能对标Azure的Key-Valut。 Key Management 这个是也是密钥管理工具,和Secret Manager不同的是,Key Management管理的是密钥这件东西,提供加密、解密、签名、验签服务;而Secret Manager提供的是“敏感数据”的保存和取回。Key Managemen...
Workflows 发布连接器,以便更轻松地访问工作流中的其他 Google Cloud API,以及将工作流与这些 Google Cloud 产品集成。例如,您可以使用连接器发布 Pub/Sub 消息、在 Firestore 数据库中读取或写入数据,或从 Secret Manager 检索身份验证密钥。有关可用连接器的详细参考,请参阅连接器参考文档。
Delete a secret: Using Secret Manager storage: berglas delete sm://${PROJECT_ID}/foo Using Cloud Storage storage: berglas delete ${BUCKET_ID}/foo In addition to standard Unix exit codes, if the CLI exits with a known error, Berglas will exit with one of the following: 60 - API err...
使用SecretManager 存储登录提供程序分配的令牌社交登录提供程序在注册过程中分配“应用程序 ID”和“应用程序机密”。 确切的令牌名称因提供程序而异。 这些令牌代表应用用来访问其 API 的凭据。 令牌构成“用户机密”,可利用机密管理器将其链接到应用配置。 用户机密是一种在配置文件(例如 )中存储令牌的更安全的替...
Google Cloud Secret Manager You can use Google Cloud Secret Manager as a storage backend via the GCSecretManager library: const storage = GCSecretManager.init({project: "project-id"}); const SECRETS = SecretService.init({storage}); const secretValue = SECRETS.getSecret("API_KEY"); GCSecret...
Before doing this, you must create an OAuth 2.0 web application client ID in the Google API Console and configure its client ID and secret in the PlayFab Game Manager Google Add-on for your title. This method does not require prompting of the user for additional Google account permissions, ...
API(Application Programming Interface)即应用程序接口。你可以认为 API 是一个软件组件或是一个 Web ...
SearchAPI - Google Search (Independent Publisher) SECIB Secret Server Secure Code Warrior (Independent Publisher) SeeBotRun - Link SeekTable Seismic Seismic Configuration Seismic Content Discovery Seismic Engagement Seismic Library Seismic Livedoc Seismic Planner Seismic Workspace SendFox (Independent Publishe...
SearchAPI - Google Search (獨立發行者) SECIB Secret Server Secure Code Warrior (獨立發行者) SeeBotRun - Link SeekTable Seismic Seismic Configuration Seismic Content Discovery Seismic Engagement Seismic Library Seismic Livedoc Seismic Planner Seismic Workspace SendFox (獨立發行者) SendGrid Sendmode Ser...
SearchAPI - Google Search (獨立發行者) SECIB Secret Server Secure Code Warrior (獨立發行者) SeeBotRun - Link SeekTable Seismic Seismic Configuration Seismic Content Discovery Seismic Engagement Seismic Library Seismic Livedoc Seismic Planner Seismic Workspace SendFox (獨立發行者) SendGrid Sendmode Ser...