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Google Book Searchdyk, siebrenUs Wurk: Tydskrift foar Frisistyk
soft.zol.com.cn|基于2个网页 2. 谷歌的图书搜索项目 玛丽莎•梅耶尔(MarissaMayer)曾经把谷歌的图书搜索项目(GoogleBookSearch)称之为“我们的登月”计划。这种比喻至少 … read.dangdang.com|基于 1 个网页 例句
Google Book Search. Google Book Search.Google Book Search.The article focuses on the contentions of library community on the settlement issue on Google Book Search. It states that the library community convenes to discuss the legal and library implications of the settlement and to determine the ...
各位,不知道你们用过Google Book Search么? 非常好用。(当然,最先还是从erwachen那里知道这个东东,感谢她) 在http://www.google.com页面, 可以先用你们google 邮箱的用户名和密码sign in, 然后左上方靠中间有一个more(中文就显示为"更多"的选项,中间有一项是book (or"书"),点进去就可以搜索作者或署名,比如点...
Two distinct view points are found amongst Information Management (IM) professionals regarding GBS: those who support the Google Booksamp;rsquo; Search project as an opportunity for libraries and alternately, those who believe GBS will ultimately lead to the demise of libraries and the way ...
Google Book Search and the Future of Books in Cyberspace Minnesota Law ReviewSamuelson, Pamela
Google Book Search: Document Understanding on a Massive Scale Unveiled in late 2004, Google Book Search is an ambitious program to make all the world's books discoverable online. The sheer scale of the problem brings ... L Vincent - International Conference on Document Analysis & Recognition 被...
摘要 Google公司推行的Coogle Book Search引起了社会各界的强烈反响,出版商,图书馆,著作者,读者各执一词,争执激烈.从它的运行模式,可行性,可能遇到的障碍等方面入手,系统分析Goosle Book Search的推广前... 关键词Google / Book / Search / 出版商 / 图书馆 ...
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