. We believe that users should be in full control of these aspects of their training and they should not be baked into the library. The trade off here is that you need to implement these features in your training script (typically this is just 2 lines of code to all reduce your ...
"GMT","yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm:ss");varname=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getName()+" B...
yearRanges.forEach(function (yearRange) { exportTimeseries(site, yearRange); }); }); function exportTimeseries(site, yearRange) { var startDate = ee.Date.fromYMD(yearRange[0], 1, 1); var endDate = ee.Date.fromYMD(yearRange[1], 1, 1); // get the dataset between date range an...
This question is NOT about retrieving a document ID from Google (either by the getID() method or by the URL with /document/d/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+) ) This question is NOT about retrieving a Google document ID once stored in a variable (when you are adding a document to the database ...
container-get-tag: stage: pre-container-build-stage tags: - runner-xyz image: busybox script: # All other branches are tagged with the currently built commit SHA hash - | # If pipeline runs on the default branch: Set tag to "latest" if test "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH" == "$CI_DEFAULT...
when I started playing with Apps Script and found it super easy (today I'm an Apps Script Top Contributor!). Javascript syntax is very flexible and lenient, and there's tons of documentation everywhere. If you already know how to develop in any language you'll get productive in no time....
const date = sheet.getRange('Sheet1!C1').getValue(); sheet.appendRow([url,follower_count,date]); }See this post: How To Save Data In Google Sheets With Timestamps Using Apps Script, for a step-by-step guide to create and run this script.Google...
在编译时, 不能忽略行起始位置的空白字符; “\” 后的空白字符会产生奇怪的错误; 虽然大多数脚本引擎支持这种写法, 但它不是 ECMAScript 的标准规范. Array 和 Object 直接量 link ▽ 使用 使用Array和Object语法, 而不使用 Array和Object构造器. 使用Array 构造器很容易因为传参不恰当导致错误. ...