Wir müssen es weiter eingrenzen weil wir nicht nur das, was wir sehen, den Gemüsekonsum betrachten. Und ich kann es schon hier sehen. Bei Erwachsenen. Sie können sehen, dass Google Scholar Ihnen viele Vorhersagen darüber gibt , was Sie suchen möchten. Und dies ist ein Vorteil ...
d. proficient: a scholar at home in the classics. 2. bring home, to make clearly evident. 3. home free, in a position assured of success or out of jeopardy. [before 900; Middle English hom, Old English hām (n. and adv.) village, house, c. Old Saxon hēm, Old High German ...
[Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Foody, G.; Mathur, A. A relative evaluation of multiclass image classification by support vector machines. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 2004, 42, 1335–1343. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Nery, T.; Sadler, R.; Solis-Aulestia, M.; White...
bereits jetzt mit sehr erwachsenen Featureswie der Verlinkung zum Bibliotheksbestand und der Implementierung von Open-URL auf.Google established itself as one of the most popular www-portals. In 2004 Google Scholar was released. The new spin-offshould give researchers a better grip on scholar...
). Wikipedia, with it’s anonymous authorship, has proven to be the most popular source of “authority” on the web. There is an alternative: Google Scholar. I feel Google Scholar does get enough credit. They surpassed ISI and the others in academic publishing many years ago with Scholar,...
Do a regular review of posts to see what needs to be updated. If appropriate, keep Google alerts set for scholar.google.com to see if new research comes out that is applicable to add to your articles. Make sure that wherever possible, medical claims are backed up with link...
Jedes Gedicht ist das letzte': Briefwechsel. By JOHANNES BOBROWSKI and MICHAEL HAMBURGER. Ed. by JOCHEN MEYER, with an essay by INGO SCHULZE. Marbach a.N.: Deutsche Schillergesellschaft. 2004. 178 pp. 16 [euro]. ISBN 3-937384-03-0. This latest volume of texts from B...
An evaluation was made of the effect of temporal variations on an assembly of Testaceae in several water bodies located in Chapada dos Guimar茫es National Park. A sampling point was selected at each study site, where 4 samplings were collected per season,...
Nevertheless Devi and Das share a fundamental sensitivity regarding the problems of the oppressed women. It is the intensity and nature of their commitment to the cause of women who are victimized by society that regulates the form of everything they have said ...
a) entender como os diferentes interesses na aplicabilidade das polIticas publicas se revela em uma distribuicao desigual e seletiva no espaco; e b) analisar a validade das polIticas publicas seja na garantias dos direitos civis seja na desconstrucao das ...