Loukika KN, Keesara VR, Sridhar V (2021) Analysis of land use and land cover using machine learning algorithms on Google earth engine for Munneru river basin, India. Sustain 13(24): 13758. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132413758 Article Google Scholar Manandhar R, Odehi IOA, Ancevt T (...
The available aerial imagery is generally believed to be no older than three years and is updated on a regular basis. Users can update the map data in real time using Google Map Maker (Google [2014b]) and, following approval, these updates are implemented in Google Maps (Sridharan [2011]...
【新智元导读】Google AI宣布了其去年就着手的「研究学者计划(Research Scholar Program)」的首批获得者。著名NLP学者陈丹琦入选,另外,清华小学弟、去年刚取得杜克大学博士学位的陈廷钧也位列其中。本次获奖者共有来自50多所大学的86名研究人员。 今天,Google AI宣布了其去年推出的「研究学者计划(Research Scholar Progra...
[Google Scholar] Loukika, K.N.; Keesara, V.R.; Sridhar, V. Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Using Machine Learning Algorithms on Google Earth Engine for Munneru River Basin, India. Sustainability 2021, 13, 13758. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Shetty, S. Analysis of Machine Learning...
In this issue's second Hot Paper, Sridhar Ramaswamy and colleagues at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston looked to classify metastatic tumors from primary tumors. (2) They analyzed the gene-expression profiles of metastatic adenocarcinomas from various origins and ...
The highest percentage of female respondents can be found in Europe and Central Asia (57 percent), whereas the lowest percentage (22 percent) is from the Middle East. "Women are seeing internal auditing as a good career choice, so the numbers are increasin...
Franziska MuellerMichael ZollhöferDan CasasAntti OulasvirtaChristian eobalt
Internal auditors can play a "cultural translator" role in this process, bridging the gap between the two traditionally separate worlds of operations and financial reporting. Six Sigma's structure, statistical methods, and deployment readiness can...Sridhar Ramamoor...
Antibiotic resistancein silico analysisNutrient agarPseudomonas stutzeriRhizosphere16 S rRNA.The aim of this study was to isolate, identify, ChD. Nancy VeenaKumariT.B. SridharanMohana Priya Arumugam
The patient was diagnosed with euthyroid sick syndrome wherein tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-伪) is the most promising mediator of euthyroid sick syndrome.doi:10.4103/0973-0354.147293Babul HanmayyagariMounika GuntakaSridhar BatulaSreedevi Patnala...