This study was supported by the UKZN Big Data for Science and Society Project (BDSS). Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. References Samper, J.; Shelby, J.; Behary, D. The Paradox of Informal Settlements Revealed in an ATLAS of Informality: Findings from Mappin...
This study was supported by the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal (UKZN) Big Data for Science and Society Project (BDSS). We also acknowledge SARChI Chair in Land Use Planning and Management, Grant no 84157 for their generous financial support. Data Availability Statement Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 ...
And then go read the whole series--the original journal, of which this book presents a set of extracts--now available via The book, to be clear, presents almost 60 essays or segments of essays culled from the 21 issues (and...
CON2020/2021–00490, “Geospatial modelling of rangelands productivity in water-limited environments of South Africa” and funded in part by the National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF) SARChI Chair in Land Use Planning and Management—UKZN under grant number 84157. Institutional Review ...