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Google Scholar. Publisher works with Google to enhance searching and retrieval of its content via Google Scholar. Customer acknowledges that to facilitate this service Publisher will provide Google wi...
Case-Shiller index or the index of the Federal Housing Finance Agency – account for this issue by using only properties that are sold more than once. This methodology has limitations for smaller regions or smaller market segments where the number of repeat sales is limited.Footnote7Zillow, on ...
Google makes ample use of free and open source software, both in the infrastructure for its online service platform (search engine and other Google offerings), and free software projects that Google has published and promotes, such as Android and Google
This paper presents a case study comparing citations found in Scopus and Google Scholar with those found in Web of Science (the portal used to search the three ISI citation databases) for items published by two Library and Information Science full-time faculty members. In addition, the paper ...
Article Google Scholar Pyatt, J. (2009, 03 April). Angry villagers formed a human barrier to stop a Google Street View car taking snaps of their homes., The Sun. Retrieved from http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2357834.ece Google Scholar Rapoport E: Create your own St...
Semantic Scholar 学术范 core.ac.uk escholarship.org 学术范 (全网免费下载) 查看更多 相似文献Google Book Search and the Future of Books in Cyberspace The Google Book Search (GBS) initiative once promised to test the bounds of fair use, as the company started scanning millions of in-copyright ...