When we use Google Search, we are interested in the latest. In Google Scholar, we can go back in time with the date filters (or use a custom date range) to search for foundational research in any field. Tip:Try searching with Chrome's incognito mode and see if it gives you slightly ...
journal articles, dissertations, and abstracts from a variety of areas. So, if you’re in urgent need of reciting reliable sources in a research paper, learning how to use Google Scholar can go a long way. Let’
Microsoft launches Google Scholar rival - The Scientist - Magazine of the Life SciencesDoug Payne
因为有的文献引文没有期刊名称,还是要使用try except 就默认time元素必有,因为是按年份搜索的,最后一个元素为time, 之前try except 取之前年份元素无则为None,其实不用也可以,无期刊名称久为空列表,有就可以取。之前按位置0 1 取会有list index out of range 报错,因为只有一个元素。使用 [0:-1]就算只有一...
“Scholar, for a long time, has been focused on helping you find things,” Acharya says. “There are lots of different ways in which we help people find things. Finding research is a key component, but reading and understanding and following up is another very significant part of building ...
A preliminary test of Google Scholar as a source for citation data: A longitudinal study of Nobel Prize winners (2013): „A Preliminary Test of Google Scholar as a Source for Citation Data: A Longitudinal Study of Nobel Prize Winners", wird erscheinen in: ... A.-W. Harzing - 《...
We see with concern that the time for an expert healing of the failed Copyright Service Provider Law (UrhDaG) is running out and that even proponents of the bill only approve of individual aspects. The implementation of the other necessary aspects of the Copyright Directive should not suffer fr...
Richard Van NoordenNature magazine
Dr. Keys was formidably persuasive and, through sheer force of will, rose to the top of the nutrition world—even gracing the cover of Time magazine—for relentlessly championing the idea that saturated fats raise cholesterol and, as a result, cause heart attacks. This idea fell on receptive ...
I thought this might be a good time to revisit the “data center lobbying” connection that we first posted about three years ago. While they like the ESG label, they actually don’t look too hard at what they are applying the label to. A quick refresher–“E” stands for “Environment...