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To search Google Scholar for journals, enter your keywords in the search bar followed by “journal” or “JSTOR.” For example, if I wanted to look at marketing books, I would enter: marketing + JSTOR. Is Google Scholar Good for Research? Google Scholar is a great tool for research ...
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to measure the coverage of Google Scholar for the Library and Information Science (LIS) journal literature as identified by a list of core LIS journals from a study by Schloegl and Petschnig (2005). Methods: We checked every article from 35 major LIS...
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Filters (Books, Images, Google Scholar) help fine-tune search results. “Local Search” and “Google Maps” enable users to find local businesses on the go. “I’m feeling lucky” takes the searcher straight into their #1-ranked article. ...
In many ways Scholar is a one stop shop for references, anyone who has previously had to trawl through multiple databases, with occasional journal duplication, for research will be glad to have an alternative that pulls together all the publishers journals into one search engine....
and S. Moussa, "Ranking Marketing Journals Using The Search Engine Google Scholar," Marketing Education Review, Vol. 20, No. 3:229-247, 2010.Touzani, M. and Moussa, S. ( 2010 ), “ Ranking marketing journals using the search engine Google Scholar ”, Marketing Education Review , Vol. ...
Google Scholar's Dramatic Coverage Improvement Five Years after Debut This article reports a 2010 empirical study using a 2005 study as a base to compare Google Scholar's coverage of scholarly journals with commercial services. Through random samples of eight databases, the author finds that, as ...
Google offers additional SERP features such as Google Scholar. Bing’s local search scours a wider radius by default, whereas Google tends to focus on listings that are in closer proximity to the user. Google Maps estimates longer journey times than Bing Maps, but also provides more important ...