Salad days of lettuce breederMarcia Wood
Chicken manure rendered the higher lettuce shoot commercial fresh weight and circumference than the other evaluated fertilizers. In general the soil conditioner did not influence lettuce production. The use of liming was very important on lettuce production when mineral fert...
Over the last decades, lettuce has been associated to several foodborne outbreaks. The present study surveyed the microbiological and parasitological contamination of green leaf lettuce used in sandwiches sold in snack bars in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil. Lettuce was collect...
Antioxidant capacity and contents of phenols, ascorbic acid, [beta]-carotene and lycopene in lettuce/Antioksidativni kapacitet i sadrzaj fenola, askorbinske kiseline, [beta]-karotena i likopena u salatiJasmina M. ZdravkovicGordana S. AcamovicDjokovic...