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2.New Citations Alert 当建立好了自己的Goolge Scholar My Citations,相信不少人都会时不时地刷新看看Citations有没有增加,时间长了如何还不见长,还会有点焦虑,刷新的次数也会越来越频繁,比如自己的case :)。其实,My Citations有个实用小功能就是,在页面右上方My Citations - Help的下方的方框里有个Follow New...
Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com) provides a new method of locating potentially relevant articles on a given subject by identifying subsequent articles that cite a previously published article. An important feature of Google Scholar is that researchers can use it to trace interconnections amo...
Hence, Google Scholar (GS) is the only availableglobal database for the citation analysis of Indian LIS journals. Based on GS, this study has traced the citation andauthorship patterns of selected LIS journals. Although, GS covers wide spectrum of scholarly literature worldwide, thisstudy found ...
网络学术引用;谷歌学术引用;论文引用 网络释义
Google Scholar allows users to search for digital or physical copies of articles, whether online or in libraries Google Scholar is relatively quick and easy to use. “Scholarly” searches will appear using the references from “’full-text journal articles, technical reports, preprints, theses, boo...
A simple pip-installable Python tool to generate your own HTML citation world map from your Google Scholar ID. citationpython3citationsgoogle-scholarworld-mapscholarly-articlescitation-analysisgooglescholarcitation-mappingcitation-graphgoogle-scholar-citation ...
The study examines usability of Google Scholar Citation (GSC) by African Scholars, to determine e-visibility and productivity. Data of registered scholars in African institutions were obtained through GSC profiles using discriminatory search addresses. These were number of registered researchers, citation ...
to quickly gauge the visibility and influence of recent articles in scholarly publications. Today, we are releasing the 2018 version of Scholar Metrics. This release covers articles published in 2013–2017 and includes citations from all articles that were indexed in Google Scholar as of July 2018...
How can I use Google Scholar Citations for scholarly profiling?Anne E. RauhLinda M. Galloway