iD、Scopus ID、研究人员 ID 等),它们分别能够对作品和人物进行唯一识别。
Publications (Google Scholar statistics: >1,840 citations, h-index = 21. ResearcherID: B-4048-2013) 来自 www-personal.umich.edu 喜欢 0 阅读量: 51 作者:G. Vardar,A. Sleightholme,J. Naruse,H. Hiramatsu,D. J. Siegel,C. W. Monroe ...
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These five sites are ResearchGate, Academia.edu, Google Scholar Citations, ResearcherID and ORCID. The data set is enriched by demographic information including age, gender, position and affiliation, which are provided by the national ... S Mikki,M Zygmuntowska,yvind Liland Gjesdal,... - 《...
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Presence of Bibliometrics, Scientometrics, Informetrics, Webometrics and Altmetrics in the Google Scholar Citation... A Martin-Martin,E Orduna-Malea,JM Ayllon,... 被引量: 55发表: 2016年 The use and reuse of RISM data in libraries (2016). The counting house: Measuring those who count. ...
PubMed,ISI-Medline,GoogleScholar检索性能对比测评JOURNALOFMEDICALINFORMATICS2009,voI.3o:2009年第30卷第12 PubMed,ISI—Medline,GoogleSch..
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