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The Google Scholar, author pages are their own stand alone profile using Google data. You can create a Google Scholar profile to quickly showcase your publication list and view citation history. It also calculates a platform-dependent h-index, which many researchers love to track. In this work...
Google scholar是需要自己去建profile的。。。你可以看semantic scholar是自动爬的:链接 发布于 2023-03-31 07:58・IP 属地广东 写下你的评论... 登录知乎,您可以享受以下权益: 更懂你的优质内容 更专业的大咖答主 更深度的互动交流 更高效的创作环境 立即...
值得一提的是,Google Scholar除了学术搜索做得很棒之外,还有个超级好用的小工具,叫Google Alerts,使用起来很简单。打开Alerts功能之后,只要将你所做Research相关的关键词输入进去,之后只要更新的文章标题或者摘要内容中有相近或者同领域的信息,Google Scholar就会自动发邮件到你的邮箱提醒,告诉你You got some paper to ...
刚建了google scholar profile,发现最新的一篇居然有4个citations,而我都不知道。幸福好突然喔吼吼。#PhD的日常# û收藏 转发 2 ñ17 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...时尚博主 Ü 简介: 安身立命。 更多a 微关系 她的关注(953) ...
However, this is not a prerequisite for opening an account. In this article, we provide a brief technical guide on the creation of a Google Scholar profile.doi:10.4103/jphpc.jphpc_1_22Mondal, HimelMondal, SarikaMondal, ShaikatJournal of Public Health & Primary Care...
pythonsocial-mediatwitterlinkedinzhihurstatsweibobadgesgoogle-scholarblueskygithub-sponsorsprofile-readme UpdatedDec 27, 2024 R Crawl all your citations from Google Scholar crawlerresearchcitationpublicationsgoogle-scholar UpdatedAug 7, 2017 Python Aggregate unread emails from Google Scholar alerts ...
scholarprofilegoogleleungcheungdevelop MonitCheung,PhD,LCSW,Professor PatrickLeung,PhD,Professor UniversityofHouston GraduateCollegeofSocialWork November19,2012 2 *Goto:http://scholar.google/ *SigninyourGoogleorGmailaccount ** Cheung&Leung 3 *WhileonGoogleScholar,click“MyCitations” ** Cheung&Leung **...
Scrape full Google Scholar Profiles search with SerpApi's Google Scholar Profiles API. Profile name, link, affiliations, citations and more.
Analyze your Google Scholar Getinsights into your Google Scholar profile: Which affiliations cite you most? Which are the most cited authors referencing your work? Seemain.ipynbfor examples. Built withserpapiandfolium. Usage Register for SerpApi athttps://serpapi.com. You can start with the fre...