5.Google Scholar有什么局限性?谷歌学术搜索并不是全能的,其局限性也很明显。例如,同学们在图书馆数据库可以检索到播客、视频、文章、统计数据以及特殊藏书等更全面的资料类型。而目前Google学术搜索只提供以下几种出版物类型:期刊文章:在期刊上发表的文章。主要来自Peer Reviewed Journals, Predatory Journals以及Pre...
Google Scholar的局限性 虽然Google搜索很强大,但还是有其局限的地方。 Google学术搜索不会显示可以在本地图书馆目录中搜索到的所有资源。例如,图书馆数据库可以检索到播客,视频,文章,统计数据或特殊藏书。 而,目前,Google学术搜索只有以下几种出版物类型: 期刊文章:在期刊上发表的文章。它是来自peer reviewed journals...
9.Google Scholar的局限性虽然Google搜索很强大,但还是有其局限的地方。Google学术搜索不会显示可以在本地图书馆目录中搜索到的所有资源。例如,图书馆数据库可以检索到播客,视频,文章,统计数据或特殊藏书。而,目前,Google学术搜索只有以下几种出版物类型:期刊文章:在期刊上发表的文章。它是来自peer reviewed journals, ...
值得一提的是,Google Scholar除了学术搜索做得很棒之外,还有个超级好用的小工具,叫Google Alerts,使用起来很简单。打开Alerts功能之后,只要将你所做Research相关的关键词输入进去,之后只要更新的文章标题或者摘要内容中有相近或者同领域的信息,Google Scholar就会自动发邮件到你的邮箱提醒,告诉你You got some paper to ...
Searching on the same topics in Web of Science(Web of Science), ScienceDirect, and EBSCO Academic Search Premier brought results you would expect-full-text articles and a few abstracts, almost all from peer-reviewed journals. The results showed a much wider range of journal titles than Google...
peer-reviewed journals, and Google Scholar indexes a broader source of documents, work outside those mainstream peer-reviewed journals might be reflected more in Google Scholar than Scopus (Aziz et al.,2009a; Harzing and Alakangas,2016). Furthermore, if only one of the search engines counts ...
peer-reviewed journals and peer-reviewed working papers-in Google Scholar, enabling Google Scholar users to seamlessly discover and access their library's ProQuest collections; users beginning their research in Google Scholar are expected to be able to access full text via ProQuest by the third quart...
Searching on the same topics in Web of Science(Web of Science), ScienceDirect, and EBSCO Academic Search Premier brought results you would expect-full-text articles and a few abstracts, almost all from peer-reviewed journals. The resul...
摘要原文 This academic peer-reviewed journal consists of articles related to information literacy, library management, information management, knowledge management, children's literature, ethics, globalisation, impact of the digital divide, technology, scholarly comminication, indigenous knowldege systems, ope...
Youcan find over16,500 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar is a useful platform for university studentslooking for scientific literature. It is a free, AI-powered research tool...