最近装了google scholar reader插件,似乎是最近才推出的。我觉得非常好用。在chrome中打开PDF,用户界面比MacOS默认设置更美观;整合了Google Scholar,manuscript里的citation直接点击即可显示具体信息,不用results/reference前后来回跳;侧栏可能提取出PDF中的各个章节信息可以直接跳转。 ...
Google Scholar found 88% of all citations, many of which were not found by the other sources, and nearly all citations found by the remaining sources (89–94%). A similar pattern held within most subject categories. Microsoft Academic is the second largest overall (60% of all citations)...
阅读器支持PDF格式,不过比起庞大且需安装的Adobe Reader来,Google的方法简便得多。你可以在同一屏上显示两页,就像真正的书那样,也可以按网络阅读方式,让一整页文字占满屏幕,用鼠标翻页。电子书的目录被放在右边,用户可以轻松跳到要读的地方,同时Google也将这项功能链接到Google Scholar上,用户可以查看提到这本书的...
看网上的分析,scholar也是很危险的,不过可能受众比较小,耗费资源也比较少,估计不会的 ...
如何利用google查找学术资料 1 布尔逻辑检索:指利用布尔逻辑运算符连接各个检索词,然后由计算机进行 相应逻辑运算,以找出所需信息的方法。它使用面最广、使用频率最高。布尔逻辑运算符的作用是把检索词连接起来,构成一个逻辑检索式。1、逻辑“与”:用“AND”或“*”表示。可用来表示其所连接的两个检索项的交叉...
Cloud Services === News:Conference Proceedings will be published by Springer LNCS indexed by ISIConference Proceedings Citation Index (included in Web of Science), EngineeringIndex EI (Compendex and Inspec databases), DBLP, Google Scholar, IO-Port,MathSciNet, Scopus, and ZBlMath. Best Paper Award...
Reader Earth FeedBurner (technically has one, but it is useless)Search Verticals Image search Map search Blog search Book search News search Patent search Product search Scholar search Special search Video search Code searchBy the way Google...I...
RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Google Scholar as replacement for systematic literature searches: good relative recall and precision are not enough Martin Boeker*, Werner Vach and Edith Motschall Abstract Background: Recent research indicates a high recall in Google Scholar searches for systematic reviews....
阅读器支持PDF格式,不过比起庞大且需安装的Adobe Reader来,Google的方法简便得多。你可以在同一屏上显示两页,就像真正的书那样,也可以按网络阅读方式,让一整页文字占满屏幕,用鼠标翻页。电子书的目录被放在右边,用户可以轻松跳到要读的地方,同时Google也将这项功能链接到Google Scholar上,用户可以查看提到这本书的...