谷歌学术指标(Google Scholar Metrics) 谷歌学术指标(Google Scholar Metrics)是2012年谷歌推出的新的学术评价标准体系,成为IF之外,衡量学术期刊、顶会影响力的重要指标,每年更新一次。 为了克服SCI存在的一些弊端,谷歌推出了谷歌学术指标(Google ScholarMetrics)。与SCI impact factor相比,谷歌学术指标作出了如下改进: (1...
You can go to the Google Scholar Metrics page, search through the top 100 publications, and then drill down to the ones cited most. Then, instead of conducting a random search, you can take a bird's-eye view of the developments in your area of specialization. Open the sidebar via the...
谷歌学术指标(Google Scholar Metrics) 为了克服SCI存在的一些弊端,谷歌推出了谷歌学术指标(Google ScholarMetrics)。与SCI impact factor相比,谷歌学术指标作出了如下改进: (1)不计算平均引用次数,计算引用次数的中位数,即过去5年内所发表的论文中至少有H篇论文分别被引用了至少H次。这句话比较绕口,举一个简单的例子...
Google Scholar Metrics中文期刊TOP100中的图情期刊 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转 û 21 5 ñ2 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 《图书情报工作》官方微博 3行业类别杂志-专业刊物 Ü简介: 中国科学院文献情报中心主办。系A类期刊、CSSCI来源...
GoogleScholarMetrics谷歌学术指标vsSCIIF GoogleScholarMetrics⾕歌学术指标vsSCIIF 最近两周,两篇关于“论⽂”的消息引起⼈们热议:⼀是SCI以35.5亿美元被卖;⼆是美国微⽣物学会(ASM)发⽂宣称放弃:7⽉11⽇,著名的情报数据提供商汤森路透公司(Thomson Reuters Corp)宣布将知识产权业务和科学信息...
Google Scholar MetricsDetails, Metrics
Google Scholar Metrics include a large number of publications in categories such as Life Sciences & Earth Sciences, Food Science & Technology, Sustainable Energy, or Public Health as well as broad areas like Business, Economics & Management or Chemical & Material Sciences. It also includes top 20...
Google Scholar Metrics 谷歌学术指标基于所谓的h5因子,即某一出版物在过去5年发表的文章之中,至少有h5篇文章每篇引用不低于h5次。例如排名最高的Nature,最新的h5因子为377,表明最近五年Nature共有379篇文章引用数不低于379次。此外,谷歌学术指标还统计h5中位数,也就是进入h5因子的所有文章的引用中位数。例如Nature...
to quickly gauge the visibility and influence of recent articles in scholarlypublications. Today, we are releasing the 2018 version of Scholar Metrics. This release covers articles published in 2013–2017 and includes citations from all articles that were indexed in Google Scholar as of July 2018....
Purpose ‐ The purpose of this paper is to review the software and content features of the Google Scholar Metrics (GSM) service launched in April 2012. Design/methodology/approach ‐ The paper reviews GSM, examining the software, browsing, searching and sorting functions, citation matching and con...