Google scholar mirror就是“谷歌学术镜像”,目前大多数科研人员、学者是通过镜像站访问谷歌学术的,在这里为大家搜集整理了6个谷歌学术镜像站,希望能够满足大家对Google Scholar的需求,强烈建议大家将它们放入收藏夹或转发给有需要的朋友。 (1)学术镜像 (2)学术镜像2( (3...码云) 是 OSCHINA.NET 推出的代码托管平台,支持 Git 和 SVN,提供免费的私有仓库托管。目前已有超过 1350万的开发者选择 Gitee。
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class="entry-content jumbotron" id="source-content" style="display: none"> <!-- --> <!-- /.entry-content --> 用pelican在github上创建自己的博客!
-if you are going to use google, at least start out using google scholar -GO SEE YOUR REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. THEY CAN FIND INFO ON JUST ABOUT ANYTHING. I used to laugh at the fact that universities offered degrees in "library science", but goddamn reference librarians know a TON. You defi...
“One word: Google. The questions have always been at hand, but now the answers are within our grasp,” said former Pentecostal preacher Jerry DeWitt who became an atheist after 25 years of pastoral services. Notwithstanding the know-it-all reputation...
The mirror makersDaniel Pope
Fifteen years ago, it was a nation of bicycles; today, it is the world's largest producer of automobiles. From the outside, we see a manufacturing juggernaut. When China's leadership looks in the mirror, it sees an economy whose future success is f...
The reporters introduce us to children whose health problems mirror those of middle age; provide eye-opening information about the fat content in fast foods; explore the role of race and class in obesity; and reveal the alarming opinion, especially among teenage boys, that being fat is okay. ...