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Coverage of Publications Scholar Metrics currently cover articlespublished between 2014 and 2018,both inclusive. The metrics are based on citations from all articles that were indexed in Google Scholar inJuly 2019.This also includes citations from articles that are not themselves covered by Scholar Me...
few cases, where graduate funding is already available through the university or department, Google DeepMind-funded scholarships serve to enhance the existing funding, allowing universities to support the educational experience and giving the scholar the opportunity to focus more fully on their studies. ...
100 google scholar 5060000 We removed all NSFW queries from this list. What you see above are the top 100 “clean” search queries. You can see the full list with NSFW keywords in Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer. Top 100 Google searches globally #KeywordSearch Volume 1 youtube 579,000,000 2...
Points of consideration included document type, availability of full-text materials, local availability of materials (either in print or online), and relevance of materials to the research topics. Results showed that Google Scholar, while a substantive supplementary research tool, does not provide the...
Using Google Scholar for African studies researchZell, Hans
Article Google Scholar Treviño M (2022) The mangrove is like a friend’: local perspectives of mangrove cultural ecosystem services among mangrove users in Northern Ecuador. Hum Ecol 50(5):863–878. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10745-022-00358-w Article Google Scholar Urquizo RL, Carvajal ...
Tourism studies have recently been subject to increasing debate regarding journal and research rankings. This debate is reflective of broader concerns over the use of bibliometric tools for purposes for which they were not originally designed. Google Scholar is examined as a means of accessing the ci...
Google Scholar Şchiopu S-D (2017) Dreptul la ştergerea datelor şi dreptul la aducerea ultimului omagiu: a fi uitat sau a fi ţinut minte? (The right to delete data and the right to pay a last tribute: to be forgotten or to be remembered?). Universul Juridic 2:85–93 ...
Affordable Housing Forum aims to gather news items and articles about all facets of public housing, and investigate any issues surrounding it faced by local as well as national governments. "The number of people living in urban areas will increase ever rapidly. Urbanization – the demographic trans...