Both snapshot as well as time-resolved PIV measurements are performed on a transonic compressor cascade. [Read More] Author: J. Klinner, E. J. Munoz Lopez, A. Hergt, C. Willert Abstract:Both snap-shot as well as time-resolved PIV (TR-PIV) measurements are pe...
Google Scholar GitHub LinkedIn YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES↑ YES! YES! YES! News 2024.12.31Six papers are accepted by CVPR, ECCV, and SIGGRAPH in 2024. 2024.12.5Thrilled to see the public launch ofAndroidXR(blog post) -- the platform on which we have been building cutting-edge perc... 赞 回复 静兮 2009-11-09 16:15:03,谢楼主。 赞 回复 Marco Magic (甜言蜜语没有,却有我这个好友) 2009-11-09 16:15:57 给我一个吧 赞 回复 I No。 (相见不如想念) 2009-11-09 16:22:21 Mjlia4@gmail.com我赶...
Impacts of Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes on Water Yield: A Case Study in Jing-Jin-Ji, China. Sustainability 2018, 10, 960. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Hamel, P.; Guswa, A.J. Uncertainty analysis of a spatially explicit annual water-balance model: Case study of the Cape Fear basin...
[Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Yang, L.S.; Feng, Q.; Adamowski, J.F.; Alizadeh, M.R.; Yin, Z.L.; Wen, X.H.; Zhu, M. The role of climate change and vegetation greening on the variation of terrestrial evapotranspiration in northwest China’s Qilian Mountains. Sci. Total Environ. ...
Xi YanZhao SunBin ChenQin HanJing LiRobert Chunhua ZhaoY. Liu, X. Yan, Z. Sun et al., "Flk-1+ adipose-derived mes- enchymal stem cells differentiate into skeletal muscle satellite cells and ameliorate muscular dystrophy in MDX Mice," Stem Cells and Devel...