Google 49 Google Google Scholar Education Microsoft 49 Learning Thursday #1: Mobile Technologies in Education Adobe Captivate DECEMBER 12, 2018 Google Scholar. The Google Scholar link will take you to JSTOR, where you can read this article for free.). If you’d like to participate, please follo...
The focus of this paper is to critically consider if Google Scholar be used for benchmarking against the professoriate in education, by weighting up issues of data reliability and participation. The Google Scholar profiles of full professors at top ranked universities in Australia, the United King...
A systematic review of academic performance of Children with Disabilities (CWDs) in inclusive education schools in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) The authors conducted searches using Science Direct, PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar electronic databases. The study's major findings indicate ...
摘要: 从信息源,检索功能和个性化功能三个方面对学术搜索引擎Google Scholar和Microsoft Academic Search进行了比较,并通过检索试验对Google Scholar和Microsoft Academic Search返回结果的方式和返回的条目进行了分析,最后指出两者的优势和不足,以帮助用户根据不同的需求选择合适的学术搜索引擎获取学术文献信息.关键词:...
《CrossRef收录查询方法》 1. 登录网址: 选择搜索数据Search metadata; 3. 输入文章题目,查询到文章即为CrossRef收录. Frontiers in Business, Economics and Management(FBEM) …
International Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences 是一本经过同行评审的开放获取期刊,致力于促进学术讨论和促进教育、人… 阅读全文 写了一个从Google Scholar自动跳转到Sci-Hub的插件 ByronVon 人工智能工程学学徒,VSCODE 传教士 简化了从Sci-Hub中找Google Scholar没有提供PDF的论文流程。 当论...
The launch of Google Scholar (GS) marked the beginning of a revolution in the scientific information market. This search engine, unlike traditional databases, automatically indexes information from the academic web. Its ease of use, together with its wide coverage and fast indexing speed, have made...
Using Google Scholar in research evaluation of humanities and social science programs: A comparison with Web of Science data In this paper, we report on the application of Google Scholar (GS)-based metrics in the formal assessment of research programs. Involved were programs in t......
Google Scholar( GS) is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the academic resources,mainly for the users to search data and gain related sources. The article describes the feature of GS and its opportunities and challenges in the reference service of the library of foreign language ...
Google Scholar 是 Google 開發的在線搜索引擎,可讓您查找和訪問學術文獻。該服務包括在網絡或印刷版上發表的期刊文章、書籍、論文和其他學術文檔。它旨在幫助學生、研究人員和專業人士快速找到相關信息,而無需搜索多個數據庫。因此,當您想只需點擊幾下即可訪問數百萬篇學術文章和資源時。谷歌學術就是這樣!