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Google Scholar™ - search for scientific texts Google Search Appliance™ - Hardware Google Sets™ - forecast service Google Sidebar™ - Software Google Sitemaps™ - service Google Site Search™ - service Google SMS™ - SMS messaging service Google Store™ - Online Store Go...
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Google Scholar 是 Google 開發的在線搜索引擎,可讓您查找和訪問學術文獻。該服務包括在網絡或印刷版上發表的期刊文章、書籍、論文和其他學術文檔。它旨在幫助學生、研究人員和專業人士快速找到相關信息,而無需搜索多個數據庫。因此,當您想只需點擊幾下即可訪問數百萬篇學術文章和資源時。谷歌學術就是這樣!
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the web or in print. it is designed to help students, researchers, and professionals quickly find relevant information without having to search through multiple databases. so, when you want to access millions of scholarly articles and resources with just a few clicks. google scholar is the way!
直到今天,我都几乎没见过同行(指天文和天体物理的同行)使用 Google Scholar 进行文献检索。(当然这是...
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the web or in print. it is designed to help students, researchers, and professionals quickly find relevant information without having to search through multiple databases. so, when you want to access millions of scholarly articles and resources with just a few clicks. google scholar is the way!
Library guides to Google Scholar reveal the concerns and fears of librarians as they watch their users slip further and further outside of their domain of influence. Comparing these fears against data from re- cent surveys and studies of students and faculty suggests that a profound change in th...