Hildred Geertz and Ida Bagus Made Togog. Tales from a Charmed Life: a Balinese Painter Reminisces. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai'i Press, 2005. Pp. 245, references, index. US$55.55 (Hc.), ISBN 0-82458-2822-4. This is anthropological writin...
Clifford Geertz by his colleagues archives papers presented at the 2002 American Anthropological Association (AAA) meeting by past students and colleagues that offer insightful, but mostly admiring reviews of his contributions to the field of anthropology with particular but not complete attention...
Telling Tales: Hildred Geertz on a lavishly produced, groundbreaking study of the great Balinese painterHildred Geertz