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Function space particle optimization for Bayesian neural networks Z Wang, T Ren, J Zhu, B Zhang arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.09754 65 2019 Nearly horizon-free offline reinforcement learning T Ren, J Li, B Dai, SS Du, S Sanghavi Advances in neural information processing systems 34, 15621-15634...
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Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksOlivia L. WeeksLegal Writing Institute One Day Workshop
Add to my favorites Google scholar Category:Literature search Google Scholar allows users to search for digital or physical copies of articles, whether online or in libraries Google Scholar is relatively quick and easy to use. “Scholarly” searches will appear using the references from “’full-te...
在下面的千字长文中,我将为你介绍一些提升文献搜集管理能力的方法和技巧。 1.熟悉学术搜索工具 学术搜索工具是文献搜集的基础,因此,首先要熟悉常用的学术搜索引擎和数据库,例如Google Scholar、PubMed、IEEE Xplore、Scopus等。了解这些工具的搜索功能和高级搜索 分享回复赞 正在加载... ...
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This extension adds a browser button for easy access to Google Scholar from any web page. Click the Scholar button to:- Find full text on the web or...
1. Launch the Google Scholar website. 2. In the search bar, enter a keyword or phrase related to the topic you want articles on. 3. Select Articles from the left pane to filter the search results. We will look for those free articles on Google Scholar. 4. Check for PDF or HTML ico...