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Google Scholar is a great tool for research because it allows you to segment searches by time, publication, or author. Is Google Scholar Free? Yes, all of the information on Google Scholar is completely open access for anyone to see. How Do I Activate Google Scholar? To activate Google...
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Advanced Scholar Search provides additional search fields such as author, publication, and date, as well as phrase matching and word exclusion. You can also limit by subject area. Candela Citations
Scrape full Google Scholar Author page with SerpApi's Google Scholar Author API. Articles, citations, cited by table results, co-authors, and more.
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Scrape Google Scholar Articles with SerpApi's Google Scholar Author Articles API. Title, link, citation ID, publication, year, number of cites, and more.
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Follow the steps below to see how you can make proper use of the Advanced search feature on Google Scholar: 1. OpenGoogle Scholarand click on thethree dotsat the top left corner of the page. 2. SelectAdvanced search. 3. UnderFind articleswith all the words, enter the most important keyw...