Purpose ‐ The purpose of this paper is to review the software and content features of the Google Scholar Metrics (GSM) service launched in April 2012. Design/methodology/approach ‐ The paper reviews GSM, examining the software, browsing, searching and sorting functions, citation matching and con...
Experiment with the future of AI
cited reference enhanced multidisciplinary databases and discussed and illustrated in general how the theoretically sound idea of the h﹊ndex may become distorted depending on the software and the content of the database(s) used, and the searchers' skill and knowledge of the database features. The...
This GitHub repository features a Jupyter Notebook designed for web scraping Google Scholar search results. It automates the extraction of key details about scholarly papers and compiles them into a CSV file. google-scholar-data google-scholar-scraper google-schola google-scholar-s Updated Jan 9...
google scholar 3.7M −330K 109K −7.6K 1 scholar 398K −38K 15K −1.5K 1 sch 17K −1.0K 4.0K −189 1 douglas carvalho spider 7.4K 2.7K 1 scholarly articles 18K −2.0K 2.5K −203 1 Sign up for Ahrefs to see data for all keywords. Top competing websites of scholar....
Google Scholar is the largest database in the world of its kind, tracking citation information for almost 400 million academic papers and other scholarly literature. The2020 Google Scholar Metrics ranking, which is freely accessible online, tracks papers published between 2015 and...
cited reference enhanced multidisciplinary databases and discussed and illustrated in general how the theoretically sound idea of the h-index may become distorted depending on the software and the content of the database(s) used, and the searchers' skill and knowledge of the database features. The...
driver.quit() def save_file(self, filename='scholar.xlsx', nodup=False): unique_data = self.results if nodup: # 根据href字段进行去重 unique_data = [dict(t) for t in {tuple(d.items()) for d in unique_data}] print(f'>> 去重效果:{len(self.results)} => {len(unique_data)}'...
This GitHub repository features a Jupyter Notebook designed for web scraping Google Scholar search results. It automates the extraction of key details about scholarly papers and compiles them into a CSV file. scholar.google.com/ Topics google-scholar-data google-scholar-scraper google-schola goog...
Semantic Scholar 相似文献The pros and cons of computing h-index using GS the h-index using Google Scholar Purpose - A previous paper by the present author described the pros and cons of using the three largest cited reference enhanced multidisciplinary database... Jacso′,Pe′ter - 《Online ...