The purpose of this article is to serve as a reference to the current state of Google requirements, specifically as they pertain to scholarly literature. Several of our clients must satisfy guidelines as part of Google Scholar, one of the most widely used free academic search engines. We aim ...
来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 54 作者: GC Tibbitts 摘要: The question of whether Google Scholar is the next big thing is really not answerable. After enabling Google Scholar to crawl publishers proprietary content publishers have learned Google is an unusual partner when it comes to ...
Google and the scholar: The role of Google in scientists' information-seeking behaviour Purpose – This paper aims to demonstrate the role that the Google general search engine plays in the information-seeking behaviour of scientists, particul... HR Jamali,S Asadi - 《Online Information Review》...
Google Scholar 是 Google 開發的在線搜索引擎,可讓您查找和訪問學術文獻。該服務包括在網絡或印刷版上發表的期刊文章、書籍、論文和其他學術文檔。它旨在幫助學生、研究人員和專業人士快速找到相關信息,而無需搜索多個數據庫。因此,當您想只需點擊幾下即可訪問數百萬篇學術文章和資源時。谷歌學術就是這樣!
ScholarConfName: if the conference name was missing or shown as something obviously wrong. I left this field blank when the conference name was rendered correctly in any form (NIME, New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Proc. NIME, etc. etc.) ...
Article PubMed Google Scholar Burt T, Sharma P, Dhillon S, Manchanda M, Mittal S, Trehan N. Clinical research environment in india: challenges and proposed solutions. J Clin Res & Bio. 2014;5(6):1–8. Article Google Scholar Cassol CM, Marti...
Google Scholar is examined as a means of accessing the citation impact of tourism publications in comparison with Thomson Scientific [formerly Thomson Institute of Scientific Information (ISI)] databases. For pre-1990 publications the citation counts tended to be proportional. For papers published from...
Article Google Scholar Li, Z. L., Tang, B. H., Wu, H., Ren, H., Yan, G., Wan, Z., Trigo, I. F., & Sobrino, J. A. (2013). Satellite-derived land surface temperature: Current status and perspectives. In Remote Sensing of Environment (Vol. 131, pp. 14–37). https://...
Google scholar and 1.Overview of biomass pretreatment for cellulosic ethanol production Yi Zheng.Zhongli Pan,Ruihong Zhang Int JAgric&Biol Eng.2009;2(3)Cited times by Google scholar:182 Cited times by SCI indexed jounals:772.Current status of adoption of no-till farming in the world and some...
IEEEXplore IEEEXplore (全网免费下载) 掌桥科研 Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar (全网免费下载) 查看更多 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献From Migration Corridors to Clusters: The Value of Google+ Data for Migration Studies Recently, there have been considerable efforts to use online data to investigate inter...