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值得一提的是,Google Scholar除了学术搜索做得很棒之外,还有个超级好用的小工具,叫Google Alerts,使用起来很简单。打开Alerts功能之后,只要将你所做Research相关的关键词输入进去,之后只要更新的文章标题或者摘要内容中有相近或者同领域的信息,Google Scholar就会自动发邮件到你的邮箱提醒,告诉你You got some paper to ...
With Google Scholar, scientists can maintain their publications on personal profile pages, while the citations to these works are automatically collected and counted. Maintenance of publications is done manually by the researcher herself, and involves deleting erroneous ones, merging ones that are the ...
We find that the top-5 accounting programs are the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Chicago, Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and Harvard University. These top programs produce a large number of high impact articles. In addition, using the mean citations from all ...
Scrape full Google Scholar Citations with SerpApi's Google Scholar Cite API. Full MLA, APA, Chicago Style and more citations for organic results.
Scholar Metrics currently cover articlespublished between 2014 and 2018,both inclusive. The metrics are based on citations from all articles that were indexed in Google Scholar inJuly 2019.This also includes citations from articles that are not themselves covered by Scholar Metrics. ...
Lastly, several bibliometric tools based on Google Scholar data, both official (Google Scholar Metrics, Google Scholar Citations), and some developed by third parties (H Index Scholar, Publishers Scholar Metrics, Proceedings Scholar Metrics, Journal Scholar Metrics, Scholar Mirrors), as well as ...
Scrape Google Scholar Co-Authors with SerpApi's Google Scholar Co-Authors API. Name, link, author ID, affiliations, email, thumbnail, and more.
Data Availability MANGLEE results can be accessed at: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/FJDJSY https://lorenacaizamorales.users.earthengine.app/view/mangleeappCode Availability MANGLEE’s notebooks are available at https://github.com/SERVIR-Amazonia/MANGLEE....