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2.New Citations Alert 当建立好了自己的Goolge Scholar My Citations,相信不少人都会时不时地刷新看看Citations有没有增加,时间长了如何还不见长,还会有点焦虑,刷新的次数也会越来越频繁,比如自己的case :)。其实,My Citations有个实用小功能就是,在页面右上方My Citations - Help的下方的方框里有个Follow New...
采用google scholar进行检索,得到相关文献的URL网址之后,再采用http://sci-hub.cc来免费下载文献 ...
论文被引用情况查证 刘琼 qliu@ 引文(Citation):一般是指引文的文献(Citing paper),即一篇文献末尾著者列出的参考文献(Reference),但有时也指被引用文献。 来源文献(Source paper):附有参考文献的文献本身称为来源文献。 生物医学文献引文检索的数据库 SCI Scifinder Scholar Google Scholar CSCD CNKI CMCI 如何利用...
First Way: Import one citation at a time into EndNote: First Step: Customize Google Scholar This will let you use the University of Illinois "Discover" links for citations as well as export the citations to EndNote Go to Google Scholar, http://scholar.google.com/ . Click on ...
Google Scholar. This study also compares the citation counts provided byand Google Scholar for articles in the field of “Webometrics.” It makes several suggestions for improving Google Scholar. Finally, it concludes that Google Scholar provides a free alternative or complement to other citation ...
Semantic Scholar 相似文献PointingUsersTowardCitationSearching:UsingGoogleScholarandWebofScience reference and instruction. For instructing undergraduate students in the use of the "cited by" features, Google Scholar's lack of advanced search functions... Robert,Schroeder - 《Portal Libraries & the Academy...
Traditionally, the most commonly used source of bibliometric data is Thomson ISI Web of Knowledge, in particular the Web of Science and the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), which provide the yearly Journal Impact Factors (JIF). This paper presents an alternative source of data (Googl Scholar, GS...
网络学术引用;谷歌学术引用;论文引用 网络释义
Google Scholar CitationsNienke PetersSchefferRobert DiddenMonique MuldersHubert Korzilius