Advanced Scholar Search provides additional search fields such as author, publication, and date, as well as phrase matching and word exclusion. You can also limit by subject area. Candela Citations
let google scholar help you! google scholar is an online search engine developed by google that enables you to find and access scholarly literature. the service includes journal articles, books, dissertations and other academic documents published on the web or in print. it is designed to help ...
let google scholar help you! google scholar is an online search engine developed by google that enables you to find and access scholarly literature. the service includes journal articles, books, dissertations and other academic documents published on the web or in print. it is designed to help s...
Filters (Books, Images, Google Scholar) help fine-tune search results. “Local Search” and “Google Maps” enable users to find local businesses on the go. “I’m feeling lucky” takes the searcher straight into their #1-ranked article. 2. Microsoft Bing Microsoft Bingis the default search...
Building on recent research investigating the role of books in the discipline of criminology and criminal justice (C/CJ), this paper uses Google Scholar to identify the most cited books in the field. In particular, the researchers examined the most cited books in four different eras. Prior to...
Finding and Getting:Google Books,Google Scholar and free tools One strand of library literature suggests that students turn to Google out of laziness or convenience (Griffiths and Brophy, 2005; Stieve, 2006; Thompson, 2003) while another suggests that Google Books and Scholar serve students better...
The objectives of this work are to measure the relative recall and precision of searches with Google Scholar under conditions which are derived from structured search procedures conventional in scientific literature retrieval; and to provide an overview of current advantages and disadvantages of the Googl...
1.No single search engine searches the entire Web. For the best results, try your search in more than one search engine.2.Many scholarly journal articles cannot be found by search engines. This includes Google Scholar. To find and access scholarly journal articles reliably, use the library’s...
Google Books and Google Scholar citations to books were 1.4 and 3.2 times more common than were Scopus citations, and their medians were more than twice and three times as high as were Scopus median citations, respectively. This large number of citations is evidence that in book-oriented ...
scholar的被引统计theanalysisofcoreacademicbooksonhumanitiesand 系统标签: 图书学术社科scholar人文核心 ・实证研究・我国人文社科类核心学术图书分析磁———基于GoogleScholar的被引统计唐晓艳(上海师范大学图书馆 上海 200234)〔摘要〕 文章筛选1995-2005年出版的人文社科类学术图书,通过GoogleScholar对其被引查询,根据...