A few days ago, while I was browsing research papers on Google Scholar, I received a recommendation for a handy Chrome extension called Google Scholar PDF Reader. Intrigued, I decided to try it out and was pleasantly surprised—I couldn’t believe I hadn’t discovered this tool earlier! If ...
借助Google 学术搜索,您可以轻松地大范围搜索学术文献。搜索范围囊括众多知识领域和来源:文章、论文、图书、摘要和法院判决意见书。
A systematic review of academic performance of Children with Disabilities (CWDs) in inclusive education schools in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) The authors conducted searches using Science Direct, PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar electronic databases. The study's major findings indicate ...
具体操作:在浏览器中输入sci-hub.cc,进入如下界面,输入文献的URL网址(如何找到URL网址?google schol...
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to measure the coverage of Google Scholar for the Library and Information Science (LIS) journal literature as identified by a list of core LIS journals from a study by Schloegl and Petschnig (2005). Methods: We checked every article from 35 major LIS...
2)http://scholar.glgoo.org/ 这个网站简单好记,就是将google scholar的网址进行了些许的改动,将...
Recent research indicates a high recall in Google Scholar searches for systematic reviews. These reports raised high expectations of Google Scholar as a unified and easy to use search interface. However, studies on the coverage of Google Scholar rarely u
https://gis1.servirglobal.net/TrainingMaterials/SAR/ch5.pdf. Accessed 20 Mar 2023 Shikwambana L (2022) Global distribution of clouds over six years: a review using multiple sensors and reanalysis data. Atmosphere 13(9):1514. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13091514 Article Google Scholar ...
· 因特网信息资源介绍 · 关于 GoogleScholar与 WebofScience引文分析的实证研究 陶慧卿 庄琦潘卫 (上海交通大学情报科学技术研究所 200240) 摘要 从期刊被引频次的角度 出发,采取实证研究的方法,选取 国际权威的引文数据库 WebofScience和著名的搜索引擎GoogleScholar,以 《美国信息科学和技术学会杂志》为文献 源...
To compare citations found in Scopus and Google Scholar with those found in Web of Science, and determine differences between them in terms of citation counts as well as the source of the citations, their type (e.g., journal article, conference paper), and refereed status, we used the pu...