Google Scholar is an internet-based search engine designed to locate scholarly information, including peer-reviewed articles, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, and court opinions from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, and other Web sites. This review looks ...
View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Dorj et al., 2013 O. Dorj, M. Enkhbold, S. Lkhamyanjin, K.h. Mijiddorj, A. Nosmoo, M. Puntsagnamil, U. Sainjargal Mongolia: country features, the main causes of desertification and remediation efforts G.A. Heshmati, V.R. Squires ...
AMY GILLILANDKAREN KELLYSiminerio, L., Clougherty, M., Gilliland, A., & Kelly, K. (2000). Evaluating children with diabetes and their parent's prepared- ness and involvement in diabetes care for the school. Diabetes 49 (S1), A173....
Across the three parts of the book, respectively titled "Reason," "Agreement," and "Inference and...Amy Emm
doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2018.09.004Amy RiegelmanUniversity of Minnesota LibrariesMinneapolisThe Journal of Academic Librarianship
All Things Google: Google Scholar CitationsCavender, Amy
But there are some key points to remember when administering an injection. Several years ago, James Fanelli, O.D., pointed out the following in a Review of Optometry article: (1) "Injectable...Amy Hellem
Amy N. Vines's Women's Power in Late Medieval Romance offers a fresh and nuanced take on the ways in which women's social and cultural power is enacted in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century romance. Employing a productive combination of close reading and manuscr...
$18.99 THIS EDITED VOLUME addresses the intersection of four topics explored in post-modern literature: utopia, gender, the city, and bodies. It is the space of the intersection of these issues that frames the articles and the workshop/conference that pre...
Amy Lowell, American Modern. Edited by Adrienne Munich and Melissa Bradshaw. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2004. 208 pp. $60.00/$23.95 paper. This welcome collection of essays marks an important moment in modernist criticism. Since her death in 1925, Amy Lowell has been subjected...