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That’s an error. Your client does not have permission to get URL /scholar.bib?q=info:W8pOBlwZQ-kJ:scholar.google.com/&output=citation&scisdr=CgXpseH_EPiu9pExV-o:AAGBfm0AAAAAX2s0T-ogEQkMP18MTKIJt_t8IHUxsVw-&scisig=AAGBfm0AAAAAX2s0T_ln1SDPWMTfLEMNL5ZAsqre8Ujl&scisf=4&ct...
Google Scholar CitationsNienke PetersSchefferRobert DiddenMonique MuldersHubert Korzilius
pythonhtmljsoncsvproxygmailgmail-apigoogle-scholarscholar-alerts UpdatedFeb 24, 2025 Python Zotero plugin for fetching number of citations from Google Scholar. zoterogoogle-scholarzotero-plugin UpdatedFeb 20, 2025 JavaScript compscidr/scholar Star4 ...
A novel method for depicting academic disciplines through Google Scholar Citations: The case of Bibliometrics a snapshot of the structure of\na specific scientific community and their outputs based on the information\navailable in Google Scholar Citations (GSC). ... A Martín-Martín,E Orduna-...
Scrape Google Scholar Article Citation with SerpApi's Google Scholar Author Citation API. Title, resources, authors, publication date, pages, and more
Google Scholar citations: a way for academics to compute citation metrics and track them over time Citation metrics are used by many academics and researchers to gauge the influence of their work, and to gain a better understanding of the impact of their research. The Impact Blog has already ...
网络学术引用;谷歌学术引用;论文引用 网络释义
When updating multiple citations in a batch, it may happen that citation queries are blocked by Google Scholar for multiple automated requests. If a blockage happens, the add-on opens a browser window and directs it tohttp://scholar.google.com/, where you should see a Captcha displayed by...
Google Scholar Citations 7 May 2020 Hardev Singh Virk 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 36 作者: HS Virk 摘要: Total Cited Papers: 340; Total Citations: 3416; h-index: 26; i-10 index: 94 Google Scholar Citations:3416 h-index: 26 i10-index: 94 highest citation for a paper:122...