Google Scholar(谷歌学术搜索)是一个可以免费搜索学术文章的网络搜索引擎,由计算机专家Anurag Acharya开发。2004年11月,Google第一次发布了Google学术搜索的试用版,该项索引包括了世界上绝大部分出版的学术期刊。Google Scholar能够帮助用户查找包括期刊论文、学位论文
"There is no cost associated with institutional access," Anurag Acharya, the principal engineer behind Google Scholar, said. And advertising? "It's possible down the line."OderNormanEBSCO_bspLibrary JournalNorman Oder, “ Google Scholar Links with Libs, ” Library Journal (Apr 2005)...
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" Webster added. The Association of Research Libraries is an umbrella group of 123 North American research libraries.Although Google has been quiet on a number of matters relating to Google Scholar, the engineer who led the project, Anurag Acharya, has told the median the company received good ...
The Open Access Initiative, Google Scholar, and librarians: opportunity or threat? 来自 学术范 喜欢 0 阅读量: 51 作者: D D'Agostino 摘要: Assesses the impact of the Open Access Initiative (OAI) on librarianship. Origin of the open access library; Initiative of Google that promoted OAI; ...
用,即可以通过“Find a library”找到距离自己最近的图书馆,以获得图书。基于以上这几部分来源,我们不难发现,Google Scholar可以成为一个很好的学术资源发现工具,它相当于同时对多个数据库资源进行检索。但可能让人比较遗憾的是,还是无法获取全文。不过,我们从上面的诸多来源已经看到,网上已经有许多来源提供了对原文的...
Google Scholar的资料来源 主要有以下几方面的资料来源: 1.网络免费的学术资源:随着开放获取运动(Open Access)的开展,有许多机构网站,特别是大学网站汇聚了大量本机构研究人员的学术成果,包括已经发表的论文,论文的预印本、工作报告、会议论文、调研报告等等,并向所有人提供免费公开获取。同时,有许多个人网站也是学者个人...
Google Scholar( GS) is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the academic resources,mainly for the users to search data and gain related sources. The article describes the feature of GS and its opportunities and challenges in the reference service of the library of foreign language ...
关键词:GoogleScholar;文献数据库;学术文献 中图分类号:G25文献标识码:A文章编码:1672-6251(2010)02-0059-03 ComparativeAnalysisofAccesstoAcademicLiteraturebyGoogleScholarandDatabase CuiYun 1 ,ChenXia 1 ,ZhouWenxiong 2 ,Saihangerile 3 (1.LibraryofShandongAgriculturalUniversity,Tai’an271018,China;2.Librar...
With the introduction of Google Scholar in November 2004, research libraries faced the decision of whether to integrate this "blended" resource into their collections and services via their library Web sites. The authors are members of a Web Advisory Committee and present a case study detailing Rut...